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my mom walked into my room and said it smelt like marijuana-

how tf does she know what marijuana smells like


emetophobia warning!!

no shit this chapters actually 1234 words-  LOL

finneas o'connell, november 30th

los angeles | CA

"billie sit down," i said trying to buckle her seatbelt. "nooo, where's lilou?" she whined trying to get out of the car, her voice muffled by the gauze in her mouth. "at her house probably, i've told you three times already" i sighed, "and quit touching your mouth billie"

"lilouuuuuu," she cried, still trying to climb out of the car. "fine, i'll text her, only if you stop trying to get out" i reasoned. billie sat back properly, before staring out the front window in a daze. "thank you. mom, can i have billie's phone?" i asked shutting the door and climbing into the backseat. 

one she handed it to me i unlocked it and clicked on her messages. i tried not to look at the previous messages but i couldn't help myself. i almost gagged reading all their lovey dovey texts. it's one thing to do it yourself, it's another to read someone else's. 

lilou roux <3

hey its finneas
billie just got her wisdom teeth out
shes super drugged up but she keeps saying she wants u lol
meet us back home?

hey asshole
bil didn't tell me she was gonna get that done today
but yeah i'll be over soon
is she okay?

k sweet
and yeah she's good just out of it and whiney lmao

aweh okay
see u soon

"lilou's gonna meet us at home billie,"

she only grunted a response and leaned her head on the window. honestly kinda glad lilou can come over, which means i can go over to claudia's instead of help with billie until the anaesthesia wears off. 

"billie get your hands out of your mouth, they're germy" mom repeated, pulling billies hands from between her lips. "it's all bloodyy," billie slurred. oh boy.

lilou roux, november 30th

los angeles | CA

i pushed open the front door to billie's house to be met with finneas just about to head out the door. "hey lilou, billie's in her room" he said, "i'm heading out though, but mom's here if you need anything"

"okay, thank you" i smiled gently stepping inside and letting finneas out. i headed through the living room and down the hall to my girlfriends room. i opened the door to see her laying in her covers listlessly, staring at the wall. "angel? it's me..." 

billie's gaze flickered over to me, her chubby cheeks full of gauze. "oh billie" i chuckled sadly. "you look like a little chipmunk," i giggled trying to cheer her up, but she whined in discomfort. "what's the matter? does something hurt?" i asked sitting down on the bed beside her and rubbing her side. 

she nodded slowly, "what hurts baby? have you had any pain killers since you got home?"

she moved her hand from beside her side to rest on her tummy, "your stomach hurts?" i was expecting it to be her mouth, i wonder why her stomach hurts.  "do you want me to change the gauze in your mouth? it looks super bloody" i asked. billie grunted, but i leant over to her bedside table and opened a new packet of the padding anyway.

"open up for me" i said tapping her chin lightly. she screwed her face up and shook her head, leaving her mouth shut tightly. "c'mon billie, it'll be two seconds" i sighed. billie opened her mouth up a little, but before i could try to grab the gauze, i heard the god awful sound of her stomach's contents coming up her throat. 

i shuffled back quickly, just as it spilled out of her mouth and down her front, the old gauze coming with it. "uh oh, maggie!" i called watching it all unfold in front of me. billie's mom quickly walked into the room but suddenly stopped seeing what had occurred. "ah, the doctor said that might happen, i'll go quickly get a towel" she said heading back out again and down the hall to the bathroom.

i looked back to billie, her eyes were watery, and her cheeks were flushed. "oh my poor baby, do you feel better now?" i asked standing up and walking to be beside her, pulling her hair back out of the way and into a quick pony tail. billie nodded sadly.

maggie soon came back in with the towel and over to billie. "do you mind helping?" maggie asked me. "no not at all, do you want her sat up so we can get her shirt off? i can hold her" i offered. with a nod from the woman i slid my hands behind billies back, pushing her forward off the pillows. 

maggie sat the towel on billies lap, before grabbing the collar of billies shirt and pulling it up and over her head. "i'll go clean this, do you wanna take her to the bathroom to wash her mouth out?" the woman asked, bundling up her messy shirt in the towel. "of course," i nodded.

"come here darling, i've got you" i said quietly, lifting up billie off the bed and helping her stand up. i held her up as we walked because her legs seemed very weak and shaky after being sick. "what are we doing?" billie whimpered rubbing her eyes at the lights in the hallway, "just rinsing your mouth out so we can put some more gauze in, does your tummy still hurt?" 

the girl shook her head, "that's good," i smiled.

i managed to get billie over to the sink, she grimaced looking at herself in the mirror. "i look like shit," she sighed. i think her throwing up caused some of the anaesthetic to wear off, because she seemed to be talking clearer. 

 i turned on the water for her and quickly went to the kitchen to grab billie a glass so she could wash her mouth out better. when i came back she was rubbing her chin with a wash cloth, probably having vomit smeared on it. 

"here bee," i said giving her a gentle hug from behind, putting the cup on the sink beside her hand. "thank you" she said quietly, picking up the cup and filling it up with water. the water she spat out was bloody and laced with chunks of food, i had to stop myself from gagging looking at it. 

we headed back to billie's room, grabbing her a new shirt on the way to her bed. the teen flopped down onto the bed, half finished putting her shirt on. "'ay down with me, lilou" billies muffled voice spoke from face down in the covers. "okay, i will, but put your gauze in before blood goes everywhere," i said grabbing the pack i opened before.

billie rolled over pulling her shirt down. i held out the padding to her but she just looked at it, before looking up at me innocently. "you want me to do it?" i asked, earning a nod and flushed cheeks from the girl. i smiled softly at the reaction, reaching forward to pack the cotton dressing onto her gum and cheek.  

she laid her head back once again, tugging me to lay down too. "you tired?" i asked, laying down beside her, pressing a small kiss to her cheek. she nodded, rolling into my side. i have a inkling that billie's gonna be in a lot more pain when she wakes up...

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