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100K!! so happayyy

my green converse arrive todayyyy

just in case no one told u today, i love u & care ab u

pt. two for billie's 16th

sorry it was in two parts, i'm tryna drag this book out as long as possible 

lilou roux, december 18th

los angeles | CA

"mon petit amour?" 

my hand was rested on billie's stomach up her shirt, rubbing it gently. the girl had fallen asleep on me, and she'd been out for a good hour and a half. billie stirred, a few tired noises emitting from between her lips. 

"hey, baby," i said softly, brushing a few little hairs from her eyes. 

she rolled over onto her stomach, trapping my hand making her now aware of it pressing into her. her head lifted up and she looked at me in a dazed, confused, state. i chuckled to myself and pulled my hand out from underneath her. 

"would you like to see what i got you? there's cake..." i trailed off making her eyes widen. "yeah?" i laughed a little. billie pulled herself up using the headboard on her bed.

"the stuff is in my car though, will you be alright for a few minutes while i go get it?" i asked standing up as well. she nodded, rubbing her hoodie covered fists into her eyes. 

i headed out of the bedroom and into the living room. "she up?" finneas asked seeing me. "yeah, i'm just getting the stuff from my car" i said making my way to the front door. "oh, okay," he nodded. 

i pulled my keys out of my pocket and unlocked my car as i got closer to it. i opened up the back door and grabbed the bag of gifts, slinging it over my shoulder before opening the passenger seat to grab the cake and soda. 

i walked back inside, billie standing in the living room tiredly, just watching everyone. "not fully awake yet, huh?" i said as i set down the cake on the dining table. the girl shook her head. i put the soda in the fridge and made my way back to the living room with my bag. 

"do you wanna open these now?" i asked. 

billies face lit up a little as she nodded again. she stepped over to me as i pulled the bag off my shoulder and handed it to her. she sat down on the floor, so i took a seat on the couch beside finneas. 

"where's maggie and patrick?" i asked him. 

"oh, they're at the store getting some extra food for tonight," he said. "claudia too?"

"nah, she's in my room on the phone" 

"okay, cool," i said turning my attention back to the girl sitting in front of me. she started to pull out all the little packages i wrapped last night. "so you didn't forget?" she asked, looking up at me with a small smile.

"of course i didn't forget!"

billie happily started to look at all the present's choosing which one to pick first. "oh! maybe don't open that one out here..." i whispered pointing at a different colored package. the girls face flushed as she looked at it. 

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