6: Battleground

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The clashing of swords and screams echoed throughout the atmosphere as the soldiers from both kingdoms fought to spill their blood sweat, and tears.

The Crown prince of Pyracea nicknamed Agnologia swiftly dozed the attack of the Taehyung aka Blue fury. Torio then swung his sword which was blocked by his enemy's shield. Taking this as an opportunity he used the sword in his other hand to inflict a cut on Blue fury's thigh.

Taehyung / Blue Fury was a fierce warrior but even with his determination and desperation, he was not skilled enough to match the crown prince of the Pyracea. Agnologia was not just fast but highly skilled when it came to Sword fighting utilizing both of his hands. Plus like his sister, Torio aka Agnologia was also a gifted molder. He could wield air and fire and thus could combine their nature to produce lighting.

Taehyung was on the ground and he immediately used his water element to shield himself from the upcoming attacks from the enemy. Taehyung was vulnerable because his element was inferior to that of his enemy. For a moment he thought he would die but Agnologio was thrown to the ground dropping his sword in the process.

"Thank you, Hoseok Hyung."

Taehyung nodded his head in gratitude toward his cousin then quickly rose to take his stance. Taking this as an opportunity he launched to strike at Agnologia but was blocked by his eternal enemy "Titania" out of nowhere.

"Titania" he growled as his strikes became more fierce and strong. The hatred boiled inside of him and the urge to pierce her heart with his sword screamed in every cell of his body. Oh, how he wished to chop her head and spit on her face by uncovering the helm protecting her identity.

Tiara tightened her grip on her sword and blocked every attack that came from the Blue Fury. The sweat beads up on her neck and drip down inside of her armor but she kept her focus on the man before her.

From the peripheral, she noticed her brother fighting with two other men simultaneously. Her heart started to pace rapidly when she noticed how he was losing to them.

Both of the men were swift and highly skilled. In a panic, she lashed her sword at Blue fury but he dozed it swirling around her and hitting her back with his elbow. Tiara lost her balance and rolled down to the ground and before she could open her eyes the Blue fury delivered a blow using his powerful water blast.

She quickly stood up from the ground blocking the blast and making a barrier made up of crystal. She examined the surroundings and realized the soldiers from the Euphoria were now fighting in a circular formation trapping them in the middle. The soldiers from her land were trying their best to break it but to no avail.

As always, Euphoria always had an upper hand when it came to numbers but today their manpower was double. She cursed under her breath and rushed beside her brother.

"Why are you here?" She could hear her brother yelling.

"They are forming a circle around us. Seems like they are planning to trap us in middle." She screamed back ignoring his question and pointing her sword at the opponent.

"Ara, I can handle them, please go!" Torio said in desperation. He had already anticipated the situation and hence knew they were at the disadvantage.

They were heavily outnumbered in the battle.  After all, one of the largest kingdoms of Mortal land had sworn their alliance to the Kingdom of Euphoria after their princess was brutally killed by a demon. 

Tiara was certain that the vile King of Euphoria had orchestrated the murder and framed her people to gain the support of mortal land. But since humans saw them as monsters there was nothing her people could do to clear the misunderstanding.

"We will walk out of this together, brother," she assured her brother and gracefully fought her opponents using her sword and the power of the crystal. 

In the entire realm, she was the only one that could successfully integrate three out of four core elements: Fire, air, and earth and produce crystals to mold them to combat her enemy. Being the only crystal molder, her power couldn't be threatened by any other natural elements however, it came with a huge consequence. Her power had a time limit as it would take up a huge amount of chakra to fight utilizing three of the core elements.

The Blue fury along with a knight charged at her with their swords. Tiara dodged the first attack and met the second with her broadsword. The weight of the steel sent her opponent's blade back but not far enough to knock the blade free of his hands.

If it was just one of them then she would have no problem handling the fight but since the two of them had come on her together she was barely managing to keep up.

Taehyung pushed his blade with all of his strength and Hoseok struck at Titania she dozed with just a slight cut on her arm. Taehyung didn't stop there and began to swing his sword toward her repeatedly knocking the blade off her hand.

Tiara tried using her crystal but unfortunately due to her lower chakra, it was not strong enough to block the attack. Taking this as an opening, Taehyung smirked and launched to stab her but someone came in middle and got pierced instead.

Tiara froze in her spot in horror as Torio's blood spattered all over her helm. It took her a while to register what was happening because of the shock.

Torio though heavily injured still managed to swing his sword towards the blue fury causing lighting to strike over his enemy. Blue furry jumped back to a safe distance perceiving that he had successfully taken his revenge.

Torio slowly fell forward but Tiara caught him before he could hit the ground.

Seeing her elder brother in a bloody mess in her arms her heart burned in agony and she let out a loud heart-wrenching wail which caused the earth to shake and crystals emerged inside the ground piercing random people.

"We need to run" Hoseok dragged Taehyung who had a satisfying wicked grin watching the scene before him.

"NO! No please no "Tiara immediately placed her hand over his chest in order to stop the blood oozing through his heart.

"It's a relief you are safe" Torio's voice was barely a whisper.

"Stay with me please" tears were falling from her eyes like a waterfall. She couldn't let this happen, she couldn't lose her bigger brother.

"Its o..kay Ara" he stuttered trying to form words.

"Nothing will happen to you! I won't let anything happen to you" Tiara aggressively shook her head in denial.

Torio gave her a pained smile "I am... I am so proud to be your brother, I love you my..." He vomited a mouthful of blood and took pained deep breaths "my little fighter. Taake... Take good care of Koo...Kie" saying that his breath hitched and stopped eventually.

"Brother " She shook her bigger brother who lay motionless in her lap.

"Brother " She called him again.

"Please, you can't leave me, I can't live without you." She began to shake him violently but got no response from him.

"No please don't leave me"

"Noo Brother " She was crying screaming hugging her dear brother's lifeless body close to her.

"Titania stop" She heard Jimin screaming at her and when she looked around she gasped in horror. Her crystal had gone uncontrollable killing everyone in its way including their soldiers.

Tiara remained stunned not knowing what to do but the loss she was feeling made her power go on the rampage. She tried to control it but she didn't have any reign over her power.

Jimin glanced at her as the words of the King echoed in his mind.

"Princess is blessed with a power unlike we have ever seen but the power must be kept under control or else it will destroy everything in its way along with herself."

Jimin hated to use his power on the girl he loved but he had no choice. If this continued it would not only harm their people but Tiara herself, therefore, he quickly used his sealing power to seal her chakra and knock her down unconscious.

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