20 Ashes

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Jimin stood before the nearly ruined spring, the place he only heard in stories from his late wife. He had no idea how he was able to see the place as he could never find it before no matter how many times he had reached the cliff in search of it. He felt lost, a million times worse than the day Tiara had left him for the first time. At least he was smiling thinking she was somewhere leading the peaceful life that she had always desired to live.

He took small timid steps into the spring wandering his puffy eyes all over the site which was wrecked and lifeless. He threw his head backward gazing into the gloomy sky letting tears flow down freely.

The day they got married was still fresh in his mind like it had happened just yesterday. The way his heart fluttered seeing her in the ravishing white gown with blue embroidery on the top half, the ecstatic feeling he got when his lips touched her's for the first time.

Everything was so vivid and clear.

Their marriage though was short but at least they were hopeful and loved each other. Pain from losing their loved ones was there but they had each other to lean on. At least, he could begin his day looking at her serene face but now he had nothing besides her memories.

"Did you ever feel for me even for once when we were together, did you see me as your man, as your husband? Guess I will never get to know that." He knew the answers to these questions in the back of his mind, he knew the possibility for the answer to be yes was faint, however, he had wished to hear it from her own lips.

Jimin wiped the moisture formed in the corner of his eyes and turned around to leave when the scrunches of dead leaves were heard. He immediately snapped his head toward the sound to find two men, breathing heavily and covered in bruises and blood holding each other for support. He narrowed his eyes and drew his sword towards the unfamiliar people but instead of taking their stance to defend themselves, they both fell to their knees in a begging position.

"Help us Lucifer" Jimin's eyes went wide when he finally sensed one of the man's aura.

Jimin had fought him numerous times in the war, he was minister of warfare of Euphoria once, and currently, was the prime minister. Not understanding what he meant, Jimin tilted his head knitting his brows.

"Why would the proud creature of light plead to us?" He spoke in a stern tone keeping the urge to scoff to himself.

"The King of Euphoria has gone mad, He... he has begun an uncontrollable rampage destroying everything and anything that comes in front of him including innocent children and women" The news utterly shocked the king of Pyracea, nevertheless, he could not apprehend why a king would harm his people in any form.

"All the celestial dragons and other celestial creatures are bounded to the person who resides on the throne of euphoria and he has unleashed them on his own people. No one in Euphoria has the strength to stop him" He paused as the image of his nephew going berserk and killing most of the royal family struck his mind making his heart wail in desperation.

"Even the previous King of Euphoria, Kimeron Taehong couldn't stop him and got mercilessly torn into pieces" His voice wavered recalling how Taehyung tore his own father piece by piece but he continued gathering himself " If we don't stop him, I am sure he will head to destroy Pyracea than Neanderthal" He closed his eyes shut hoping Kimeron Jongin has successfully escaped with the prince however the queen wasn't so lucky to escape her ill fate.

All of the information shut Jimin's mind temporarily. It was a huge blow to him but somehow could connect the King of Euphoria's behavior to the death of his beloved wife.

"I know, after everything we have made you all go through we are not worthy of your pity or your help but please, innocent lives that are at the stake right now, please stop our king only you have the power to do so" Prime minister of Euphoria, who he assumed to be called Kimeron Seokjin continued to explain the situation.

Jimin was mentally battling with himself, some part of him jumped in satisfaction knowing the realm of light was now being destroyed by its own hand but another part of him screamed to help the innocent people who were the victim of someone's madness.

"In this world full of war, loss, and pain, the one who suffers the most are the poor and innocent people"

"I wish I could somehow help them, I wish I could protect them all, I can't help but wish for this nightmare to end" Tiara's voice echoed in his head.

"He wants to destroy this entire universe. He blames this twisted world for the death of his lover...your wife" The other man with red hair informed, and Jimin's eyes fluttered open as rage-filled his vein.

"In his madness, innocent peoples are paying the price" Hoseok mumbled as both of them hung their heads low in disappointment and disheartened at the wretched state their king had fallen into.

Kimeron Taehyung, The one who had killed Torio, who was a brother to him. The one who took away Kookie, who was like a son to him. The one who was the sole reason for his wife's death.

"I will destroy him and purge this world from his sin-filled shadow" Jimin declared through his gritted teeth as he clenched his fists until his knuckles went white.

Jimin was about to march toward euphoria when Jin stopped him.

"Even all of our armies together could not stop him, he is no more an angel so your sword won't have any effect on him, something happened, he has grown more powerful than before and he is wielding an insanely powerful sword that can kill both creatures of dark and light. " Seokjin notified Jimin about the knowledge he gained fighting with his nephew while trying to stop him.

"How is that possible?" Jimin's thoughts transitioned from cognition to verbal without much effort in shock. He had never heard of any sword that was proficient in killing both the creatures as the merging of Etheron crystal and Damascus metal was something impossible.

"I have no idea, but you are our last hope Lucifer,"

A force so impactful pushed them all and the spell of invisibility that had been binding both Euphoria and Pyracea broke like they were just mere glass making both of the Kingdom visible for the naked eye to see.

Jimin looked into the sky as terror washed all over his face seeing all the destruction that had been projected upon the universe. He could now see dragons flying out of control in berserk, ruining everything in their way and they were heading towards Pyracea.

Out of nowhere, the King's guard of Pyracea appeared beside Jimin with a worried expression.

"Your majesty, somehow.."

"I know, prepare the army for the defense and evacuate all the people from Euphoria and take them underground" Jackon's jaw reached the ground hearing the king's command but didn't question his authority.

"We will help you to do it" Hoseok informed and Jackson nodded his head.

"It is the time of crisis so we have no choice but to unite against the Mad King" A purple magical mist surrounded Jimin as he transformed into his demon self.

"I will take him as far as possible from here, and if anything happens to me..." he paused for a while then inhaled a sharp breath before continuing "The queen will take over the throne until the crown prince is ready" with that the Lucifer flew towards the Euphoria where the mad emperor was rampaging losing his sanity.

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