25:Four years

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As usual, Taehyung gazed upon the captivating scenery in front of him, his hand casually tucked behind his back. Despite visiting this place daily for the past four years, its beauty continued to enthrall him. He closed his eyes and reminisced about all the cherished moments he had shared at this spot with his beloved. Each passing second remained etched in his memory as if indelibly tattooed onto his soul.

Tiara's memories were the very source of his happiness as well as the root of bitterness that sowed deep within him. Nevertheless, he had clung to them, unable to let her go from his heart.

"Your Majesty," Taehyung's eyes fluttered open, and turned his attention toward the familiar voice coming from behind.

"It's been four years, Your Majesty," the advisor gently suggested, "perhaps you should consider not visiting the spring anymore. I don't believe she will..."

"She will come, Uncle, I know she will" Seokjin was interrupted in the middle by Taehyung's weak voice.

"I'm not sure how long it might take but I want to be here when she does" Taehyung again shifted his gaze toward the beautiful scenery ahead of him.

There were so many words Seokjin longed to say to his nephew, but no words escaped his lips. The longing and pain mirrored in his eyes were akin to what he had felt since the loss of his own love. Understanding the depth of his nephew's heartache, Seokjin chose to remain silent, offering no further words.  The separation from his Tiara had shattered him entirely, and the sole thread preventing him from descending into madness was the hope of once again beholding her beautiful face.

"Even if I have to wait for a thousand years I will," Taehyung confessed and Seokjin let out a stressed sigh, shaking his head in dismay before relaying the news he had come to deliver.

"Your grandmother has arranged your consummation night today with your wife"

In a snap, all the emotion Taehyung felt was replaced with disgust and hatred. 

"Wife" he scoffed remembering the cunning girl with whom he was married by his father when he was in a state of intoxication.

The news of Tiara's marriage had driven him to the point that only drowning himself in alcohol could help him cope with the feeling of devastation. Taking advantage of his derailed state his father had sneakily married him to Irene.

When Taehyung got back to his senses he was already wedded to a woman without his consent. The image of waking up naked while the vile woman was on top of him in the middle of the bedding ceremony in front of numerous witnesses haunted him to this day.

For years, he had skillfully avoided any physical contact with the woman he had grown to despise. He fabricated excuses about his health or mysteriously disappeared during the nights they were meant to spend together. Yet, Irene persistently devised new schemes to ensure they shared their nights, and this time, she had manipulated his grandmother as a pawn in her game.

He gripped the side of his robe and shut his eyes trying to control the burning rage inside of him.

"The realm needs their heir, Your Majesty, and most importantly vile rumors are spreading all over the kingdom." Seokjin pinched the bridge of his nose in stress remembering all the nasty rumors circulating about Taehyung being either impotent or homophile.

Even though Seokjin loved Taehyung, he could not deny that Taehyung was being unreasonable by ignoring his duty as the king. All he wished for his nephew was to move on from his past and start a new life with Irene and he believed a child would save a failing relationship between his King and the queen.

"I guess I have no choice then," He slowly opened his eyes "Today I will make sure to shut everyone's mouth." a smile crept on his face at the thought of his night with his so-called wife and then made his way back to his palace.

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