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This chapter will explain what happened in the past

sorry for the errors I have made in this chapter



"Lilly, I don't think we should go any further," 13-year-old Taejong spoke, wandering his eyes all over the place hoping there is no threat.

"Why are you scaredy-cat Taejong? Even when I'm a human, I'm not afraid then why are you peeing in your pants?" Lilly mocked him and the rest of them chortled at her statement.

"Because this place is between Pyracea and Euphoria, what if someone from the enemy realm sees us" He was clearly panicking.

"Don't worry, if that happens, I will kick their butt and save you" Lilly winked her eye at Taejong and he started to blush like a girl.

"Stop blushing, you look like a tomato" Tenessia teased Taejong while walking holding her hands with Jin.

"Look we are here" Lilly pointed at the beautiful garden that had various exotic flowers shining brighter than stars.

"How did you even find this place?"Jin spoke in awe observing the unreal garden before him, mesmerized by its beauty.

"When I sneaked out of the palace yesterday night I somehow ended up here," Lilly spoke with pride at her discovery.

"You sneaked out? don't you know how dangerous it is..."

"Yes, mother, go on suck the fun out of my life" Lilly rolled her eyes at Taejong and stomped forward.

"This place is truly a beauty" Seokjin was awestruck roaming his eyes all over the place.

"Imagine, us getting married here" Tenessia expressed blushing heavily as Lilly began to tease them causing Tenessia to chase her best friend all over the place.

After wandering for hours and playing hide and seek, the four of them settled down under the shade of a big tree in the middle of the spring, trying to catch their breath.

"I wish we could always come here and play" Tenessia spoke gazing into the sky which was slowly turning into a hue of orange.

"We can't, it's too risky" Taejong spoke promptly.

"What if only we can come here? Like you know this becomes our secret place and later on, we pass it down to our children like our legacy" All of their eyes sparkled hearing Lilly's idea.

"How can we do that?" Jin questioned curiously.

"Tenessia can, she is a sorcerer and we can help her by letting her channel more power through us" Lilly quickly came up with a solution as well.

"For a princess from the Mortal land, My Lilly is really smart. She will be a great queen to Euphoria." Taejong smiled at his thought and agreed with her.

Following their plan, they combined their power to cast a spell to make spring invisible to others and placed a portal on the cliff to make sure only they could reach the Spring.

With happy faces and satisfaction with their achievement, they were returning to back when a giant Orge suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started to hunt them.

"Run!!!" Lilly screamed and they all began to run for their life.

Ogre was a man-eating giant creature with the strength of a hundred elephants that roamed in the forest. Luckily due to their size, they were slower hence they could easily be outrun.

"I told you it was a Bad Idea," Taejong said as they ran.

"Aissh" Lilly cursed when she noticed another ogre joining after it roared in a high pitch-shrieking voice.

Fate of all Realms [Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora