6: Immortals and mortals

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Jungkook ran through the forest at a lighting speed disregarding his barefoot and the fact that thorns laying carelessly around his surrounding could cause serious harm to him. His chest felt like it was ready to explode but he didn't stop rather he kept pushing himself until he reached the cave his wise friend resided

"Manda!" Jungkook was panting heavily trying to catch his breath as he reached the home of the Serpent King

"What is it, kid?" The serpent slithered its way in front of Jungkook and took his human form.

"Will I die someday?" He asked him immediately.

Manda was taken back by his sudden question but decided to answer the naive human kid since he understood being raised far from human civilization he lacked much knowledge regarding his own race.

"Everyone dies someday Jungkook however we all have a different lifespan. Normally the stronger the being the longer its lifetime is in this world. Unlike the supernatural, humans have a very short life. Plus they grow weak with age unlike us who grow stronger with time." Jungkook gulped hearing someday he would disappear from the world without any traces.

"Noona, what about my Noona?" He asked with panic tingling in his voice wanting to know about her.

"Your Noona is a very superior being. In fact, she can be considered immortal which means she will not die of old age. The growth of her beings stops when they first feed human blood completing their transformation however they can be killed using a specific metal called Damascus. And there are some beings which have a very slow aging process and live thousand years longer than humans and die such as goblins, mermaids, and your spirit friends" He calmly explained to the ignorant boy.

"You mean I will grow old and die but my Noona and everyone else I know shall remain the same forever" His already wide eyes went wider as the realization hit him as a wave of icy cold water.

He finally started to see things clearly as he recollected how the people on the market had changed over time. They were growing older and so was he. He walked out of the cave and gawked at his reflection in the pond that was near it. He had changed so much too. He had grown taller, his physic was different than before too then Tiara's face flashed before his eyes. She was the same as the first time he had seen her. Her hair, her eyes, her skin, her body shape, everything remain the same as before and It would remain that way forever whereas he would keep on growing taller, maybe fatter, older, and uglier.

He scrunched his nose not liking the idea of his Noona remaining the same and only him growing old. Before even realizing it, the tears were gushing out of his eyes and trailing down his cheeks.

"No, I don't want to grow old alone," He violently shook his head in denial.

"But this is the law of the universe Jungkook and nothing can change it" Manda apprised him.

"I will, No matter what I will!" He turned around to face Manda.

Manda then realized that unintentionally he had stirred something into the boy. He could feel the change in his aura and his attitude.

"Noona and I will be together forever, I won't let even death come in between us" he swore to himself before returning back to his home.

For the entire time, Tiara had her eyes fixed on the door waiting for Jungkook to return home. It had been more than an hour since he ran out of the hut leaving the food on the top of the table untouched. As soon as she saw the silhouette of the young boy Tiara rushed toward the door with a displeased expression.

"Kookie, Where did you leave without saying a word? Do you know how worried I was? When will you start acting responsibly?" Tiara didn't waste any time to start lecturing him about the basic courtesy a boy should have.

Without even bothering to reply, Jungkook entered the house after opening his shoes and placing them aside.

"Are you even listening to me?" She pulled him by his elbow and forced him to face her.

The nonchalant look on his face and the coldness reflected in his eyes made her stomach grumble with uneasiness. She realized something was seriously wrong.

"You can't stay even an hour without me, how will you live after I die?" He questioned her straightforwardly without making eye contact.

His words excavated the memories of Kookie's death which were hidden in the back of her mind. She felt like she relived the day her lover had swung his sword toward her precious younger brother, snatching her entire world away from her painfully. She instantly pulled Jungkook into her embrace and cradled him against her chest.

" Of course, It's not possible for me to live without you" Her voice was trembling while she spoke as the fear of losing him struck hard within her.

"Then make me like you Noona, so that we can live together till the end of the time" Taken aback by his unusual request, Tiara pulled away from their hug and looked intensely at him with narrowed eyes holding his shoulders.

"Noona what's wrong?" Jungkook asked her nervously seeing her react negatively.

"Do you even realize what are you asking, Kookie?" Her voice no longer held the tenderness like before. Seeing her talking with him in a cold tone made Jungkook's heart grow more bitter.

"Then explain it to me," Jungkook yanked her hands away and moved a few steps backward.

"Kookie, being a demon from birth is different than turning a human into one. We have control over our thirst and our strength but it's not the same if a mortal being is turned into a demon. They won't be able the control the burning thirst for human blood, and their entire nature changes. They grow uncontrolled like mindless monsters that only feast. They will feel no empathy, no love, no guilt nor do they feel fear. Turing you into a demon is like pushing you into a pit of darkness and there is no coming back from it" Tiara tried explaining to the young boy in the hope that he will understand the consequences of the demand he was making.

"And not to mention the hefty price we need to pay for it" Even the thought of it made the entire hair on her body stand up.

"Does every one of them turn into a mindless monster?" He questioned.

"No very few may have managed to save a bit of themself but it's too risky. Everything that makes them human will definitely change" She persuaded Jungkook to think otherwise.

"I am ready to take that risk" saying that he stepped forward and then took her hands in between his.

"I'm ready to pay the price if it means being with you forever" He was pleading with his eyes but Tiara rejected him with a harsh wave of her hand.

"No" She refused him firmly without a blink of an eye.

"Your request is unreasonable"

"But why?" Jungkook lamented however Tiara was in no mood to listen.

"No means No, Kookie and from today we are never going to discuss this topic, that's final!"

Hurt by her rejection, Jungkook bit his lips in an attempt to stop the sob that had reached his throat but the tears betrayed him and flowed rapidly from his eyes. Seeing her precious Kookie crying made her heart contract but she was persistent about her decision.

"Kookie..." Before she could even speak another word, Jungkook dashed out of the house and disappeared into the forest.


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