27:Fruitless attempts

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Armies of both realms were standing a few yards apart facing each other without even moving a muscle. No one from both sides bothered to commence the battle.

King of Euphoria rode the celestial dragon wandering his eyes all over the army of his enemies in search of one face that he had lost his everything to four years ago. He was longing to see the woman he had loved so dearly, even a glimpse would be enough but like always he couldn't even find her shadow among them.

After another fruitless attempt to see her again, Taehyung hung his head low and signaled his army to withdraw with a heavy heart.

For two years the tradition continued. Taehyung would declare war in hope of seeing his lover again and when he wouldn't find her, he would withdraw and return without fighting.

"Won't you do anything My Majesty? Give us the order we will attack them," Park Chanyeol, minister of warfare asked the king to which Jimin replied after letting out a long sigh.

" We won't attack unless they make a move, this way we are preventing unnecessary bloodshed" even though he wanted to rip the king of euphoria into pieces using his bare hands, he ordered his armies to withdraw as well.

Hearing the news regarding the battle, Kimeron Taejong flipped the table in anger.

"What is that fool doing? Why is he even letting such a chance slip away from his hand?" He was furious whereas Kimeron Seokjin calmly remained in his sitting position sipping the tea gracefully watching the older male throw a fit.

"If we kill Lucifer now, The realms of the dark will crumble to the ground. They don't have any sucessors. What is that brat thinking? " He was panting heavily after his outburst.

"And you" Taejong now focused all of his anger on his smaller brother " What are you doing sitting around? Is this why you started a revolution to dethrone me and kept me on house arrest so that you can calmly sit sipping the tea and enjoy the show?" Taejong was shooting a glare at Seokjin.

"Relax brother, let the King of Euphoria handle things in his own way and why do I even need to interfere when finally there is peace, even if it's temporary it's relaxing" Seokjin spoke keeping a neutral face.

"King? Peace?" Taejong scoffed.

"Is he even fit to be king letting the golden chance of taking over Demonus go??" He stomped his foot on the ground.

"And you? Revolting against me, dragging me down from my throne for what? Nothing? you betrayed me for what? nothing?" he was pointing his finger at Seokjin yelling in rage.

"I learned the art of betrayal from you bigger brother" Seokjin spoke sarcastically.

"Don't bring that woman in between," Taejong said in an irritated tone knowing what Seokjin meant by betraying him.

"Ha- That woman " Seokjin gave out a bitter laugh hearing him denoting Tenessia as that woman.

"That woman devoted her entire life to you" Seokjin stood up facing Taejong.

"That woman died because of you"

"That woman was the only woman I ever loved and yet you snatched her from me" the bile boiled at the pit of Jin's stomach and made him feel sick to even look at Taejong

"Even after everything Tenessia has done for you, she is just 'that women' for you"Seokjin stated fisting his hand over the desk, glaring at Taejong in disgust.

"If it was not you and your envious ass then there would already be peace in all three realms "He growled, eyes never leaving his.

"Lilly came to you thinking you as her friend spreading her arms wide open with the proposal of peace and what did you do with her?" A snicker brewed on Jin's lips.

"You stabbed her to death just because you were jealous that she chose another guy over you and Tenessia like a fool took the stab that Lelouch aimed for you." A tear slipped from his eyes as the memory of Tenessia getting the stab in place of Taejong flashed into his mind.

"Until the end, both of them cherished you and died because of you" All of their memories in the Spring kept haunting him till this day making him feel guilty for not being to protect either of them.

Taejong remained silent the entire time not being able to form a word out of his mouth.

The hatred he felt toward the woman who left him was so strong that he chose war over peace just to fulfill his thirst for vengeance.

All his life, he had loved and cherished Lilly more than everything and he thought she felt the same too. He was more than happy the day she was betrothed to him but she ran away with another man leaving him alone to suffer.

The shame and hurt he felt that day had snaped him into a ruthless person and when Lilly proposed for peace treaty he decided to take advantage of it and get revenge on her for leaving him.

In this chaos, Jin was the one who suffered the most. After Lilly ran away, Tenessia who was initially betrothed to him was married to Taejong who was the crown prince.

Taejong had promised to take care of Tenessia to Jin however he never fulfilled his promise and always treated her poorly. It broke Jin's heart to know how even until her last breath, she didn't get the love and care she deserved from her husband

"Because of your selfishness Lilly and Tenessia died, and thousands of soldiers lost their lives" Jin wiped the traces of tears mingling on his cheeks

"You destroyed my life and then you went ahead and destroyed your own son's. Your son is paying for your sins."


"Lower your voice, You are talking with the prime minister of Euphoria!"Jin stated in an authoritative voice shutting his mouth.

"I have no obligation to serve you, you are not my King anymore. You must be thankful to me I convinced Taehyung to spare you even after everything you have done" with that Jin sprinted out of the room leaving Taejong to rot in solitude.

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