8: All grown up

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Four years later

Ever since the day Jungkook found out the truth about himself and Tiara nothing was the same. Though Jungkook never brought up the topic again Tiara could feel him getting more and more distant to the point he had begun to act indifferent towards her.

In an attempt to reconcile with him, Tiara would often take him to the markets and encourage him to interact more with his own kind however thinking Tiara was pushing him away, Jungkook on the contrary had begun to hate humans causing him to avoid going to markets in general.

Eventually, their conversation had reduced to one-word replies from Jungkook and the most interaction she could have with him was at the dinner table as often he would be out with his animal friends or in the cave of the serpent king.

At first, Tiara had let him have his way assuming he was a growing boy, it was just puberty and he was going through a rebellious stage but gradually she felt like she was losing him after all, she was entirely oblivious of what was going on in the young man's mind.

With lunch ready on the table, Tiara was waiting for the young man to come so that they could eat together. Waiting for him had started to become like a daily routine for her. Letting out a huff, she pushed aside the plate and stood up pushing the chair backward.

"I guess he ate his lunch with Manda like always" She felt disheartened but still hoped that someday he will express what was bothering him and they would go back to how they were in the past.

"Don't worry he will come around" she gave herself a self-pat and leisurely walked out of the back door, towards the pond.

Stretching her muscles, she slowly undressed and then dipped her toe to check the temperature of the water.

"Perfect," She thought mentally and got inside the pond letting the slightly warm water relax her body.

Soon she began to lose herself completely in her thoughts to the point she was not even aware of her surroundings and that the person she was waiting for had arrived home. Jungkook walked inside the house to find the untouched plate of food on the table. He ruffled his silky brown hair in frustration apprehending Tiara had skipped her lunch again because of him.

"Why doesn't she just eat without me?" He groaned in annoyance and started wandering his eyes around their small house poking his inner cheeks using his tongue getting aggravated.

"Where did she go?" Noticing the back door of their house open he ambled towards it and when his eyes landed on the sensual alluring naked form in the middle of the pond, his body jolted slightly in shock, and his hands fisted at his sides. As a reflex, Jungkook immediately turned around and hid on the wall beside the door.

Saying that his heart was racing at the speed of light would be an understatement. It was going fantastic like a wild animal with no control. He placed his hand above his throbbing chest and gathering all of the courage he had, he peeked at his captivating woman from behind the wall.

Tiara was always the most beautiful woman for him and the person he admired the most. But as he grew up his admiration turned into attachment and then it blossomed into a passion. He loved the woman before him so much that his heart could no longer handle its intensity making it difficult to even face her properly.

Every time they talked his eyes automatically used to land on her pink plump lips, whenever she came close to him, his body ached for more than just a touch and now her small kisses, her hugs, and her touching was nothing but torture for him.

Moreover, realizing she was the woman he wanted to hold in all the unethical ways when he was nothing but a little boy in her eyes added salt to his wound.

His hand unconsciously reached the throbbing bulge under his pants as his gaze traveled on every inch of her beautiful body until his eyes stopped at her round voluptuous breasts and his hands started to itch to touch them.

"Oh, Noona" He let out a sexy moan as his hand palm squeezed his crotch.

"Aah" Jungkook grunted and he started stroking himself imagining him in the pond naked with his noona doing disgraceful things to her. His hand moved even faster and his grunts became husker, seeing her hand cup her breast to clean it.

"Umm," His fantasy was running wild as the vision of him carrying her and thrusting his length inside of her started becoming so realistic that he could nearly feel her tight core wrapped around his thirsty dick.

He moaned again, watching Tiara with eyes full of lust, tracing her hand throughout her body washing.

"Ahh fuck" Jungkook envisioned himself sucking, licking, and kissing on her beautiful white skin, continuing his sinful thrust, and soon he released himself as he reached the highest peak of ecstasy.

If only there was a way to make his fantasy come true.

If only he could convey his desires for her.

He wished with all his heart for Tiara to look at him as a man and he prayed for his wish to come true.

Jungkook was breathing heavily when he noticed Tiara going for the towel placed on the top of a rock.

"Shit, I need to clean this mess before Noona comes" He hurriedly cleaned himself and jumped into the bed, hiding under the covers.

After a while, he heard steps coming toward his bed and he bit his lips and squeezed his eyes shut in nervousness. He felt her positioning herself beside him and she began to gently pat his covered body as spoke in a low voice "Why do I miss you even when you are right here Kookie?"

She placed her head on top of his body and continued "I wish we could go back to being how we used to be"

Little that she knew there was no way for them to go back to that pure relationship they had in the past.

"Sorry Noona, there is no going back and more importantly I don't want to back " He answered mentally.

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