21: Just a dream

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Jungkook was on his knees facing the man wearing silver and blue armor with Phoenix engraved in it. His entire body was trembling in dread but he tried his best not to show it on his face. He was ready to sacrifice himself for the woman he loved.

I promise you I will protect her with all I have" even when the kid was trying his best not to show the dread he was feeling from inside, his expression reflected it like a mirror.

"Please keep my Tia safe" A tear dropped from his doe-like eyes as he spoke his final words.

He could see Tiara's petrified expression from the corner of his eyes, as she took an abrupt step backward. Her eyes landed on him and her breath hitched.

"Nooo" She leaped forward as her black hair flew dramatically but suddenly, a strong grip on her arms pulled her back and slammed her violently on the wall

"Tia!!" Jungkook jumped up from his bed, his breath was heavy and he was covered in sweats. He gradually raised his hand and felt his cheeks with his hands, it was damp with tears.

"It was just a dream, Noona is...." His words got stuck in his throat as the feeling of hollowness started to consume him.

The salty beads of droplets were falling drop by drop from his eye as he could feel it in his bones that his sole reason to live on had vanished in thin air and his every part was screaming in agony missing her presence.

"Liar, Noona you are a Liar" He brought his legs against his chest and rested his head on the top of his knees.

With her gone, the integral piece that kept him alive had disappeared however, he could do nothing but live this shallow life as that was the price he had to pay for turning into the creature of the night.

Jungkook choked up on his tears as the pain continued to abuse his body mercilessly. Lulu carefully approached the man sinking in the ocean of torment and started to rub herself against him purring in an attempt to give him some form of comfort.

"She never loved anyone more than kookie, She never loved me more than kookie" he sobbed in despair but before he could even mourn the loss of his love his spirit animal friends dashed into his home.

"Jungkook! Jungkook"

Jungkook gradually forced his head up sniffing like a child lost in a maze.

"We are in danger! our home is in danger" Lexie began to speak in panic.

"Kings of Euphoria and Pyracea are fighting each other and in their duel, everything is getting destroyed," Foxie added looking equally distressed.

"They are heading this way and if they reach here in a blink our home will get demolished as well" Hearing the news, Jungkook jolted up from his bed and sprinted out of the house. He could feel the dread in the atmosphere, even the sky was gloomy and dull. It looked like a huge storm was heading in their direction.

Jungkook would never let anything happen to the place Tiara cherished so much. They had so many precious memories together in this place. He would not let anyone lay their finger on the home that they had built with so much love.

"I will not let them trample over our hope," Jungkook said in determination clenching his fists into tight balls.

"Lulu" He called his cat.

"Yes master" the cat understood Jungkook even before he would move his finger and shift into its demon form. It was twice as big as the normal tiger, with claws and teeth sharper than blades and wide strong wings.

Ignoring the pang that was torturing his existence, Jungkook climbed on her back and flew in the direction where the battle was going on to stop them from bringing any sort of harm to his home

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Ignoring the pang that was torturing his existence, Jungkook climbed on her back and flew in the direction where the battle was going on to stop them from bringing any sort of harm to his home.

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