10: all kinds of love

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Dangling his legs from the swing Jungkook was waiting for Tiara, who was gone to bring some exotic fruits that could boost up the healing of his wounds. His mind rambled to the last night and the feeling of giddiness took over his body. Yesterday after four years they shared the same bed again.

Even though Jungkook was recalcitrant at first, afraid of the consequence of being so close to her but Tiara was persistent to take care of Jungkook the entire night. She was worried that he might develop a fever due to pain so he couldn't deny her. However, sleeping next to the woman he was deeply in love with resulted in him getting hardly any sleep as he was occupied with admiring the heavenly features of the goddess his heat worshipped. Taking it as an opportunity he had even slightly pecked on her lips.

Jungkook traced his lips with his fingers, remembering the feeling of her soft and delectable lips against his. That single kiss had allured him to do so much more but somehow he had fought off the immoral desires indulging him.

"What should I do to make you see me as a Man?" Feeling disheartened he jumped down from the swing and shuffled towards the guzheng that was placed under the shade of a cherry flower tree.

He gracefully took his position and started to play the soulful melody he had composed for his Noona who was as beautiful as a butterfly to him. She was his dream, a dream that he never wished to wake up from because he was afraid she would disappear once he would open his eyes.

Will you stay by my side?

Will you promise me?

If I let go of your hand I'm scared you'll fly away.

A traitor drop of the liquid rolled down from his eyes and landed on the guzheng, followed by another one and another until a steady stream of salty tears flowed its way down his cheek releasing the sadness and sorrow that he held been holding inside of him all this time.

"Will you hate me, If you confess my feelings? Will you leave me after that?"

"I'm so scared."

His hands started trembling so he stopped playing the instrument and started to sob silently bending down and burying his head in his arm.

"Kookie!" Jungkook was interrupted by Tiara's worried voice calling out for him so he hurriedly wiped his eyes clean and rushed to the direction her voice was coming from.

Once he reached there he found Tiara with a limp cat in her arms which was bleeding from its nose and mouth.

"Hurry Kookie prepare some fresh towels and medicines" Jungkook nodded his head and did what Tiara asked him to do.

After taking the cat inside the house and placing it on a table, Tiara started to perform some treatment on the cat.

"Where did you find this cat?" Jungkook questioned her helping her to aid the cat.

"Her name is Lulu, I always used to feed her every time I went to the east village. It is a very sweet kitty," She gave him a pained expression and continued treating its wounds.

"Someone threw it from a height, maybe because she stole something to eat" she informed. him.

He watched his Noona desperately trying to save the cat but the cat was beyond saving. It appeared to have broken its rib and maybe have some internal bleeding as well.

"Noona I don't think it will survive" Jungkook spoke truthfully assessing the condition the poor animal was on.

Realizing what he said was right but not wanting to give up on the fluffy creature she had grown fond of, Tiara bit her thumb and fed the dying cat her blood. It didn't even take a few seconds and like a miracle, the cat was on its four feet.

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