15: The lover

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Sitting at the side of the bed, Tiara hummed a tune Kookie loved while gently patting him to sleep. Light snore reverberated throughout the chamber like a background melody while the boy held his step-sister close to his heart even in his deepest slumber. The doors of the prince's chamber slowly opened and two individuals squeezed themselves in trying not to make any sound. Jimin and Jassabella first addressed the princess of the realm with a sight nod.

"How is he doing?" Jimin whispered touching the little boy's forehead to check his temperature.

"Much better," Tiara replied in murmurs.

"We came to see your grace before departing to the battlefield" he announced without meeting the princess's eyes. Gently separating herself from Kookie, Tiara stood up on her two feet and cupped the lord's face urging him to connect their eyes as she spoke. "Please return safely, " her voice trembled.

After losing her brother, fear was knocking on her system because she couldn't bear another loss. She was certain she would lose her mind if anything happened to the man standing before her.

"Your grace, do not fret. I shall be by the lord's side to protect him" Tiara's fifteen-year-old cousin gave a cheeky smile and she mirrored her expression.

"I know you will. Come back safely both of you" they nodded their head.

Kissing Tiara on the crown of her head as a farewell, Jimin walked out of the room along with Jassabella. After an hour, the army of their realm headed to the war zone, Tiara decided to go and visit Taehyung as she promised. It was a perfect opportunity as well since her father, the king was occupied in the meeting with the elders.

"I have given him the medicine, just make sure the crown prince does not wake up, " Tiara informed the servants in charge.

"And if he does, tell him I'm with the royal doctor and I will be back soon" everyone nodded their head at their princess's command.

After explaining to them the things they were required to do in detail, Tiara exited the room and prepared herself to leave for the Spring. Even though she didn't want to leave Kookie's side, she couldn't go back to her words knowing Taehyung would be waiting for her in the Spring. She mentally decided to make it a short trip and sneaked out of the palace and arrived at the spring using the portal where Taehyung was already waiting for her staring at the scenery before him.

"Tae" she squealed happily running to him and giving him a back hug.

"Tia" his expression immediately lit up as he turned around and embraced her back.

"I missed you so much" he spoke holding her dearly and taking a whiff of her scent that could calm his entire senses.

Though he was beaming at her, Tiara was quick to sense something was off with Tae. He wasn't his bright usual self and it was quite evident he was bothered by something.

"Is everything alright? you look so down" she placed her hand on his cheeks and asked him with a voice laced with concern. Tae settled his hand over her hand and smiled but only faintly.

"Nothing just some family problem" He answered her frankly but didn't elaborate on what the issue was.

"If you want to share I will listen" she coaxed him to share the matter with her.

"It's just that I'm stuck between my responsibility towards my family and my love for you" Tiara pulled her hands away processing his statement.

"Is he having problems because he fell in love with me even when he is engaged to someone else?" Tiara felt guilty for being the cause of stress for her lover however decided not to question him further.

"But you don't have to worry, I will find a way to do both" he lifted her chin with his finger to make her look at his face then placed a kiss on her lips.

"All you need to do is to promise me that you will love me no matter what because I love you despite everything" he whispered against her lips.

"Do you promise me?" He asked her with lots of hope taking her hand in between his and she nodded her head after some hesitation.

"Thank you... Thank you so much, Tia" He again enveloped her in his arms shedding tears.

The visit was short since they both had urgent matters to attend to. The moment she was back from the Spring, she washed herself to get rid of Taehyung's scent from her body. Despite her attempts to stop thinking about Taehyung, her mind kept running back to the words he had told her in the spring. She couldn't exactly point out what it was but the manner in which Taehyung pleaded her pledge her love made her anxious.

Her train of thought suddenly broke when the shrieking sound of the alarm signaling breach in the security of the palace echoed all over her chamber. Soon enough she could hear the tapping sound of running soldiers from the corridor making her heartthrob out loud in panic.

An attack on the palace how is that possible? no one can enter into Pyracea because of the spells bounding and protecting the boundaries. Her head was in a mess as she sprinted out of her room like a fast-raging bullet.

Just then her heart stopped when she remembered the portal she had placed near the spring that directly led to her palace.

"The portal that I always use to go in and out from the Pyracea but how ?? Only I know about portal" she shook her head to shrug off all the negative thoughts that came into her head.

"Please, Kookie, be safe" A tear found its way out of her eye as her heart wrenched in fear, she ran as fast as she could to her little brother's chamber.

She had to protect him. She promised their brother to protect Kookie with her life. She dashed into his chamber, her lips parted, and her breath came in and out in a ragging pattern as she stared at the scene in horror.

The room was a bloody mess as all of the prince's guards and servants were on the floor with their guts spattered all over the wall.

Tiara took an abrupt step back when her eyes landed on her little brother on the floor facing the man in silver and blue armor.

There was no way she would not recognize that armor with Pheonix engraved in it, the sword, and that shield. It was the same sword that pierced the heart of her elder brother, it was the same sword that had inflicted numerous wounds on her body.  He was the man she fought against in countless battles.

"Blue flurry" Her eternal enemy was right before her aiming his sword at her life; her beloved Kookie but why was her enemy wearing the bracelet she made for her lover?

After that everything happened in slow motion. For the first time, Blue furry turned his head to the side giving her the full view of his unmasked face and the world around her stood still as it knocked the breath out of her.

"Tae" Her voice came barely as a breath and her entire world collapsed in a blink before her eyes.

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