8 : Bewitching

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Tiara leaned her head on Taehyung's shoulder with her eyes closed allowing her grief to dissipate in his embrace. It was uncanny how just the mere presence of one person could make her feel lighter and at ease. Every time she was with him she felt like time stopped, leaving just the two of us to wander the world together.

"Tia, don't cry you look ugly" Tiara raised her head from his shoulder and scoffed facing him.

Taehyung bit his lips to suppress the laughter that had already surfaced in his throat.

"How can a person cry to this extend just because a pot broke and a flower died?" Taehyung burst into laughter remembering how she wept like a child for a mere flower pot.

Tiara faked a smile and turned her head away from him to hide her painful expression. Since she couldn't reveal her identity, she decided not to tell him the real reasons for her tears and came up with an excuse for her tears.

"Because it meant a lot to me Tae, all of my life I had watered it nourished it and due to my inability to protect it, the flower got destroyed" She didn't face him as she spoke, she couldn't bring herself to look into his bright innocent eyes and blurt out lies.

"Okay, I understand it" Taehyung pulled her toward him and then made her look directly into his face by lifting her chin.

"But now tell me what can I do to stop these tears from flowing?" using his thumb, Taehyung wiped the trails of tears from her cheeks.

"Should I bring you the rarest jewels in the entire realms or the luxurious clothes made of the most beautiful fabric, just tell me what you need, even if I have to travel all three realms and seven seas, I will bring it for you "

Tiara huffed a humorless laugh. Even the rarest of jewels and clothes would not be able to fill even the slightest of the void she was feeling. They wouldn't bring her brother back to life hence they were nothing but useless materials with no value.

"Tell me I mean it" Taehyung's eyes were filled with determination. As the crown prince of Euphoria, he was confident that he could easily bring anything she would ask for.

"Jewels lose their shine and clothes get torn with time, give me something that will never break or get torn until the end of time, something that will forever remain mine " her words made Taehyung go speechless.

No matter how much he tried he could never understand the girl before him, she was like the most beautiful mystery even more beautiful than the Spring itself. He wanted to explore her, swim deep into her dreamy eyes, and get to know her in a way no one would ever get to know her.

Taehyung pressed his head against her and let out a sigh, "Where am I supposed to find such a thing Tia," he chuckled and pulled away "But I promise, next time I meet you here, I will bring you what your heart desired." He showed his signature box smile and then ruffled her hair.  

Taehyung stood up swinging his arm back and forth" Now stop sulking, see I even managed to make the bracelet for you"  Taehyung pulled Tiara by her arms but she immediately yanked him off winching in pain.

"Yah you all fine?" Taehyung crouched down beside her and asked her in concern.

Tiara nodded her head with a pained expression. After the battle, mourning for her brother, she had not even bothered to care for her wound due to which her injuries were still fresh.

Taehyung carefully pulled her arms and rolled the sleeves of her robe. He gasped at the sight of the cuts she had on her arms.

"Who did this?" His expression was now dark and threatening as his grip around her wrist became stronger.

"It's nothing to worry Tae" She pulled her arms back. "I was just learning to duel with my friend and got hurt" She lied again.

"We have no idea when what might happen so I thought it was best to learn how to defend myself" Taehyung took her arms and began to examine her injuries.

"Didn't you care for the wound, why does it look so bad?" he furrowed his eyebrows, the sight of the wound had made his heart constrict.

"About that", She pressed her lips into a thin line "I forgot" She smiled an innocent smile but that pissed Taehyung even more.

Taehyung whacked her head earning a sneer from her" Yah how could you raise our hand on a defenseless woman?"

"You are a Namyoja," he retorted back with an annoyed expression. Tiara had a confused expression not understanding his statement.

"What's Namyoja?" She questioned back in curiosity.

"Namja means man, Yoja means woman, and since You are a man in the body of a girl, you are Namyoja" He explained to her and flicked her forehead giving her a playful smile.

"Namja means man, Yoja means woman, and since You are a man in the body of a girl, you are Namyoja" He explained to her and flicked her forehead giving her a playful smile

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He then ran away from her like a bolt to save his ass.

"You...!! Jerk" She yelled as she chased him around giggling but soon enough Tiara caught up to him and jumped on his back to stop him.

"How dare you? I'm more of a woman than you can ever imagine" Taehyung was now struggling to release himself from her grip but that only made Tiara tighten her wrap around his neck.

"Then show me how much of a woman you are?" Taehyung flipped her to the ground taking advantage of her startled state and pinned her underneath him.

Their breathing were raged and heavy as they stayed in position with their eyes interlocked with each other. They were so close that even air could barely pass between them.

Seeing the girl he has been having erotic thoughts of so close to him and looking deeply into his eyes with an innocent sparkling gaze made all of his lustful desire get hold of him.

"I desperately want it" he spoke in a sensual husky voice with eyes filled with desires and leaned his face closer to her.

Tiara's heart was jumping so hard, she felt as though it would burst out from her chest. In a sheer moment of panic, she banged her head against his to prevent him from doing anything stupid.

"ahh" Taehyung screamed in pain due to the impact abruptly jumping up in an upright position.

She could feel her cheeks heating up and a tingling sensation rushing all over he" Don...t" she stuttered flustered.

"Don't ever do that again" saying that she got up and walked away as fast as she could with a red face and erratically beating heart.

Taehyung chuckled himself seeing her getting shy. He loved that she was so pure and innocent for him to be corrupt. For Taehyung, even though she was annoying, hilarious, made him yell, and drove him crazy, she was everything he wanted. He kept falling in love with her and each time harder than the last. Every time the feeling was getting deeper, more complete, and more bewitching.

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