28: Curse

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Everyone present in the chamber of the queen of Euphoria did a royal bow as the King marched inside. With his head held high, and a smug smile lingering on his face, he walked to the royal physician who was waiting to deliver the joyous news.

"The realm of light is blessed with a prince my Majesty," the doctor informed the King with glee and handed the newborn child to him.

Taehyung glanced at the small child in his arms and examined it with a great deal of interest. 

"He looks just like you my majesty" as soon as the physician uttered those words, Taehyung started to laugh snickering obnoxiously as all the other present there watch their King in pure confusion.

After composing himself he wiped the tears in his eyes that were formed by excessive laughing and signalled all of the people to leave. All of the maids present there with the royal doctor heeded the king's command and exited the room after doing a royal bow.

"They say it looks like me" He let out a manly giggle then approached the queen who was laying on the bed leaning against the headboard with hatred clearly visible on her face.

"I was hoping you would die during the childbirth" He pouted while letting out those bitter words from his mouth.

"I hate you" Irene snickered and Taehyung playfully sent her a flying kiss and replied," The feeling is mutual".

Taehyung placed the child in the crib that was beside the king-sized bed and started to rock the crib trying to put the child on sleep.

"You remember right, I promised you to make your life hell. I will never forgive you for taking advantage of my intoxicated state and marrying me. I know it was your plan, I know you convinced my father to do so" He continued rocking the crib as he spoke " even after knowing how much I loved her you dared trick me"

"That slut didn't even think twice and married another man and you..."She couldn't even complete her sentence and her voice was stopped in her throat as Taehyung's large hand wrapped around her neck, choking her.

"You dare talk ill about the woman I love, What would a power-hungry whore like you know about her?" his eyes were burning with rage.

"You married me just to be a queen and nothing else, If you truly loved me like you claimed, you would try to heal me, help me in my pain not play one of your tricks to marry me" he threw her away and she automatically touched her neck gasping for air.

"Women like you disgust me" He stalked toward the exit of the room but came to an abrupt halt when he reached the door.

"No matter how many lives you will take, you will never be able to replace her," saying that he stomped out of the chamber.

Irene gripped the blanket hard trying to release the anger that she was feeling. Even when she was sitting on the throne she had been dreaming of since her childhood, she felt helpless.

She cleaned the tears trailing down her cheeks and stood up from the bed. She could help but to feel disgusted looking at the child she had given birth to. If it was possible she would throw the low born into the river but she couldn't. The child was the key to protecting her title as the queen of Euphoria

Yes, she was greedy for the throne but to claim that she never loved him was not valid as well. She did love him, it was just, at that point, her desire to be the queen was stronger.

"Tiara Lamperouge," her jaw clenched at the thought of the sole reason for her misery.

"I curse for your life to be worse than mine"


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