10: Coronation

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The young prince took the seat on the chair of the Estate on the right side of the Emperor's Throne. On the left, Princess Tiara was seated with her head held up facing all the nobles, Ministers, and members of the aristocracy.

Tiara could see her little brother fidgeting his fingers in nervousness as the Master of Ceremonies read out the oath and the responsibilities he would be taking as the crown prince. She wanted to run beside her little Kookie and hold him to give him some courage and confidence, however, doing so would only give reasons for useless elders or rebels to point fingers at the prince so she kept her urge to herself.

All the people in the crowd were clapping and cheering for their crown prince as the Emperor of Pyracea placed the heavy crown on his little head.

"At the age where he should be jumping around playing, my poor kookie will have to attend the political meeting and get involved in critical decision-making related to the kingdom. How will that little body carry all the stress that was even hard for Orabeoni to handle?" Her unsettled feelings were bugging her after witnessing the coronation of Kookie.

Tiara diverted her eyes from him to Jimin who stood beside the crown prince in his Knight's armor. Reading her expression he could easily understand her doubts, consequently, Jimin gave her a slight head nod and then smiled at her to ensure her everything would be fine.

After the coronation, the little prince was running around in the throne room swinging his sword and acting as if he was in battle while Tiara and Jimin watched him with huge grins on their faces.

"Swappp swoop and the king of Euphoria is slain by the hands of the greatest warrior the universe has ever seen" Kookie placed one of his feet on his throne and his hand on the hip acting almighty "The golden Crown prince Kookie" He tried saying t...

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"Swappp swoop and the king of Euphoria is slain by the hands of the greatest warrior the universe has ever seen" Kookie placed one of his feet on his throne and his hand on the hip acting almighty "The golden Crown prince Kookie" He tried saying those words in a manly tone but they just came out as a little child bluffing.

"First learn to control your mana and master it then dream of being the greatest warrior of all realms" Jimin burst the bubble of imagination the little prince was on. The little prince ran to the older male and started to punch him with his little fist.

"You will be the first one I will slay" Kookie breathed out the air from his nose harshly in anger hitting his trainer.

"Hope to see the same determination on the training ground as well, your grace"Jimin mocked him chuckling without defending himself from the soft punches being thrown at him.

"Tia, look he always teases me" Kookie whined as he stopped launching punches at Jimin and faced Tiara with a red nose and sparkling eyes.

"Jimin stop it" Tiara slapped Jimin's arms controlling her laughs. She then crouched down to the little prince's level and pulled him into her warm embrace.

"I'm sure you will be the strongest warrior the realms will ever see" She gave him a gentle smile and kissed his hair "And also a great king" Kookie looked up to Tiara sniffing and pouting.

"The first thing I will do after I become the king is to make Tia my queen" Saying that he nuzzled his nose on her neck.

Tiara mouthed "awww" as she held her brother closer.

"But you can't make your sister your queen" With an evil grin Jimin gave him the news which nearly brought a heart attack to the little boy.

"Why??" Kookie almost screamed snapping his head towards Jimin.

"Because sister is a sister, sister can't be a wife" He stated with a cocky expression.

"No! Tia will be my wife" The little prince stomped his left foot hard on the ground.

"But that's not possible" Jimin calmly tried to explain it to the little prince but he was in no mood to listen or to understand. Now the little boy's eyes were glossy and his face red not rejecting the older man's words.

"When I will be king I can marry Tia, King can do anything he wants, isn't it Tia," Kookie told in a trembling voice holding back the urge to cry.

"Still you can't marry her 'cause she is already promised to someone else" Jimin moved behind Tiara and snaked his arms around her waist resting his head on her shoulder. Tiara frowned and nudged him on his stomach with her elbow.

The crown prince tugged on her hand "Is it true? Tia can't be my queen?" He was on the verge of crying and when Tiara didn't speak a word as she was busy trying to come up with things to say he burst into tears.

His loud cries echoed throughout the room and the sound increased even louder when Jimin tried to shut him down. Tiara let out a long sigh and picked the crown prince up to hush him down, glaring at Jimin who gave him a nervous smile. Kookie had his arms wrapped around her neck, muffled sobs were escaping from his petite body.

"Tia will be your queen, Tia will always be with you, I promise" She soothed him, rubbing circles to his back.

After calming the little prince down, Princess tugged him into his bed and made him sleep by singing the lullaby he loved listening to. Tiara then quietly made out of the room, carefully shutting the door lock, and whipped around to be startled by the deep brown eyes staring down at her.

"What's wrong with you?" She half screamed and half-whispered smacking Jimin's arms and started walking towards the garden.

"And why did you spur nonsense and make him cry?" she scrunched her nose glaring at him.

"But It's not nonsense, you and I..." 

"It's already so late, I think we both need to go to our chambers, all those ceremonies and rituals have exhausted me" She ranted out interrupting him in the middle, and waving her hand she dashed out of the sight without letting Jimin complete his sentence.

Tiara took long strides toward her quarter and shut the door close. She leaned her head against the wooden frame and place her hand over her racing chest.

Jimin would never casually bring up their engagement during their conversation since it was fixed before she was even born. She didn't want to be reminded of the promise the King of Pyracea had made to his friend who also happened to be his loyal adviser and the Prime minister of their nation.

Guilt filled her since though she was betrothed to someone else, she couldn't stop herself from getting drawn toward the human guy she had been secretly meeting. Her feelings were betraying her conscience. No matter how much she tried Tae would never leave her mind. He was her one stable force, her one stability in her life, in the world filled with chaos and she had begun to love him so much for that.


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