You/Shinobu Kocho - Safe

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You frown when you spot three figures at the top of the entrance to the estate

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You frown when you spot three figures at the top of the entrance to the estate. Worried about the trouble that might be going on, you rush to find out what was going on.

"I'm your superior! I'm a Hashira, dammit!" As you got closer, you were able to listen to what was going on. "I'm taking these two because I need them for a mission! I don't need permission from Shinobu if they aren't her Tsuguko."

Hearing this, you push yourself to go faster. You're not as quick as Shinobu but you were still faster than quite a lot of people. When you get closer, you're able to spot Aoi and Naho in his arms. When you're within reach, you jump to grab them but he manages to dodge you. You end up falling besides Kanao and the others.

"You have 3 seconds to hand them back, Uzui! One!......."

Uzui debates his options. He had to save his wives and he couldn't do it without the girls in his arms.

"I need them! I need to save my wives!"

"Find another way! I'm going to kill you if you take them."

He gives you a smug smile, knowing you wouldn't even be able to touch a hair on his head. You weren't a Hashira. You had barely gotten the rank of Hinoto just a few weeks ago.

"I'd like to see you try! You're being very unflashy in front of your subordinates. I would think twice about what you say next. I'm of higher rank."

You didn't give a damn if he was a Hashira. Right now, he was attempting to kidnap Aoi and Naho. In your eyes, all was fair. You pulled out your sword and pointed it at him.

"I don't give a damn. Give them back."

Tanjiro starts to panic when he sees you and Uzui preparing to fight. He had seen how overprotective you were of the butterfly girls and he knew that you wouldn't stand down and talk things through.

"They're members of the corps! This is their duty!"

"Naho isn't a member of the corps!"

Uzui holds up Naho to find that she wasn't a uniform. He rolls his eyes and tosses her to you. You drop your sword and catch her in your arms. She quickly wraps her arms around your neck as she cries.

"Then I have no use for her. But at least this one is part of the Corps. She doesn't look like she'll be much use but that's fine."

You clenched your jaw and narrowed your eyes at him. There wasn't much you could while holding on to Naho.

"That's no way to talk to someone! Everyone has their reasons!"

Tanjiro yelled at him. They go back and forth about handing Aoi over until he finally offers to go in her place with his friends.

"Alright! I'll have the three of you come with me but don't you dare defy me!"He slaps Aoi's butt and tosses her over. The boy with the boar mask manages to catch her. He continues talking about the mission but you pay him no attention. Once you're sure that Naho had calmed down enough, you catch him by surprise as you jump to him and kick his head. He nearly falls over but manages to balance himself. "You! I'll...."

This time you kick his stomach, managing to make him fall over. You jump down besides him, making him flinch as you land right besides his head.

"I don't give a damn if you're a Hashira. You threatened my family. If you ever do it again, I'll have your head."

Uzui was shocked that someone from a lower rank would dare to hit him. He regretted not keeping an eye on you as he talked to the boys.

"Fine! Just stop kicking me!"

You nod and walk back to the estate. Uzui follows after you but you slam the door in his face.

"You're not allowed in the estate!"

Everyone laughs as they hear him curse you.


Uzui arrived to the meeting room to find Shinobu sitting in the center. Her back was to him so he believed that she hadn't seen him arrive. As quiet as he can, he backs out of the room.

"Lord Tengen! I'm glad you're here!"

Her voice might sound happy but he knew how well she could hide her emotions. He wasn't sure if he knew about what had happened at the estate.

"Lady Kocho, it's been a while."

She stands and turns around with a smile that was anything but sweet. He immediately knew that she was pissed by the vein throbbing on her forehead.

"Imagine my surprise when my wife tells me that you attempted to take Naho and Aoi."

"Wait what? Wife?" He's shocked to hear this, considering that Shinobu had never mentioned getting married. He quickly gets over his and begins to apologize. "My wives were in danger! I needed to save them!"

In the blink of an eye, Shinobu disappears and repeaters behind him. He feels a prick on his neck before he starts to have trouble breathing.

"Oh my! I hope they're alright."

"W..what d..did"

"Me? I just gave you a taste of what my happen if you do that again. I might not be able to actually hurt you with my fists or kicks like my wife but I can very well poison you." He falls to his knees, allowing her to grab his air and force his head back so he could look at her. He had never seen this side of her and it was scary. Especially when she did all of it with a smile. "Are you going to leave my family alone?"


"Good! I'm glad we came to an understanding!" He feels another prick and he begins to breathe easier. "I'm glad we had this talk."

She lets him go and makes her to her usual spot to wait for the others. By the time the others joined him, the effects of the poison had disappeared. He shuddered just thinking about what else Shinobu could do. Her way of killing was flashy but he'd rather have her continue killing demons.

"Uzui! Are you alright?"

His briefly glances over to Shinobu before turning back to Mitsuri.

"I'm fine, Mitsuri. I'm just not feeling very flashy at the moment."


The next time that Uzui saw you, you were with Shinobu. Rather than pass by the two of you, he turned around and took the long way. The less he interacted with the butterfly family, the longer he will be able to live.

"Was that Uzui I saw?"

Tanjiro asks Shinobu.

"It was. I'm glad he took my advice."

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