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After your sacrifice to save her life, everything began to crumble around her. Demons kept getting killed left and right at a much faster rate than they were killing members of the Corps. The Upper Ranks could only do so much to keep order after Muzan left them to their own devices. Without her guidance, it was easy for the Corps to take them out.
"Lady Muzan, we beg you. We must do something about the...."
"Is there any reason to even continue, Akaza? Losing (y/n) made me realize that there's no point to this anymore. I used to have a clear goal in mind and I made sure that nothing got in my way. I never realized just how much she had come to mean to me."
Muzan lets out sigh as she looks at the rising sun from the dark cave. There were often times that she thought of stepping out in the sun and simply endings things to join you. She knew there would be nothing waiting for her on the other side but it didn't hurt to think that you would be waiting for her when she would eventually died.
"You've worked for this for so long. To suddenly no longer care for it because of a simply girl...."
Muzan doesn't hesitate to strike him for insulting you.
"Do not talk about her like that. Because of her, you're still here and so am I. You should be thanking her for allowing us to continue our goal. Gather everyone, we'll be doing our final strike by the end of the week. This has gone for too long."
"Yes, Lady Muzan."
With a bow, Akaza leaves.
Just like Muzan had said, the final attack started as soon as the sun set at the end of the week. This fight was everything that Muzan had been working for and yet she could hardly concentrate. She kept seeing you in the background of the fight and it shocked her. You were clearly disappointed in her and it was making it hard for her to concentrate on the Hashira attacking. The humans were barely a match for her and yet it didn't take long for them to gain the upper hand.
Muzan wasn't sure for how long she had been fighting but he knew that he was losing. After the other Hashira's joined the fight after killing the rest of the Upper Ranks, she knew that it was just a matter of time before someone would deal the finishing strike.
It was simply ironic that it had to be the boy with the checkered haori. He had been the one that had taken your head. When she saw his sword coming down on her, she closed her eyes and let her thoughts be filled of you. There was nothing for her after death, once her. body disappeared, it would've been like she had never existed. After everything that she had caused, her punishment was for her existence to simply disappear. With her last though of you kissing her, she smiled as the last of her body turned into ash.
This is the list of prompts that I will be doing
Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.