You/Shinobu Kocho - For You

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TW: SA. Death. 

Summary: Shinobu takes matters into her own hands when someone takes things too far with you. 


You weren't a slayer like Shinobu or Aoi. You weren't anything to the Demon Slayer Corps. You were simply human that worked in the market during the early mornings. In the evenings, you made your way back to your girlfriend's estate to help take care of her patients. 

"How are you feeling Mr. Satoru? Feeling any better?"

He gives you what is supposed to be a wink before blatantly checking you out. 

"Now that you're here. I'm feeling much better."

You hated dealing with Ito. He always made you feel disgusting with the way he ogled at you. His words made your skin crawl and the times that he managed to touch you always resulted in you rubbing your skin raw in the bath to forget his touch. You didn't want the butterfly girls to be around the pervert so you specifically told them to stay out of his room as you would take care of him. The girls were none the wiser, thinking that you didn't want them to deal with someone whose injuries were extensive. Shinobu was thankfully out on a mission so she wasn't aware of the harassment. 

"I'm glad. I'll just check over your vitals real quick to make sure that the medicine is doing its job and then I'll be out of your hair. Can you please turn around and remove your shirt?"

"I can take off more if you'd like."

You were grateful that his back was facing you as you made a disgusted face. 

"Just your shirt will do." You pull out a stethoscope and began to listen to his heart. His heartbeat was retuning to normal and you were relieved that he was going to be leaving soon. "It seems that the medicine is working! You should be out of here in no time, Mr. Satoru."

"I should be glad but I'm a little sad." He says while he turns back around and puts his shirt back on. "I'm going to miss seeing you. Maybe you should join me. I might need you to nurse me back to health. It'll be easier than coming back to the estate."

You poured his pills into a little cup and handed it to him with a glass of water. 

"I only work for my girlfriend. She would be devastated if I left."

His eyes widen in surprise when you reveal the fact that you have a girlfriend. He smirks and licks his lips after finishing the water. 

"Girlfriend, huh? Maybe the two of you can join me? I'll keep you safe from those demons." You couldn't help but laugh at what he said. He doesn't seem to like you laughing as he appears to be furious. "What are you laughing about?"

"Please forgive me. I did not mean to laugh. I should leave you to rest. The pills take quite a toll on you."

You excuse yourself and began to walk out of the room when you're suddenly spun around and slammed against the wall. The action makes you gasp for air as your back hits the wall.

"Apologize for laughing, little girl. I can carve you into pieces and no one will ever find out what happened to you."

You struggle to breathe as he begins to you choke you. You desperately claw at his arms to make him let you got but he was far too strong. Just when you were about to black out, the door is opened to reveal Aoi. The man quickly lets you go and puts some distance between the two of you. 

Aoi quickly rushed to your aid but you gently pushed her away. You wanted to run off and hide but you couldn't leave her alone with the man. 

"Just what do you think you were doing?! I'll....."

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