You/Shinobu Kocho - Cat(Angst)

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TW: Death 

Summary: Shinobu always hated the cat that you always fed. 

"You know, he's never going to leave if you keep feeding him."

"He's hungry, Shinobu. I'm not letting him starve."

Shinobu rolled her eyes and grabbed your hand to take you back inside the estate. 

"He'll be fine. He's a cat. They love to search for their food. It's late and we need to get some sleep." You pouted, hoping she'll let you stay a little longer but Shinobu refused to budge. "It's late and you have a mission tomorrow. You need sleep. Doctor's orders."

With a sigh, you let Shinobu take you back to your shared room. 

"Will you please feed him while I'm gone?"

You ask when the two of you are finally laying down. 

"I told you that he'll be fine. He can survive on his own."

You started to leave kisses on her back, trying to temp her to do as you asked. 

"I know what you're doing and it's not going to work."

"Please baby. (cat's name) will starve without me. You can just leave him a little bowl outside. You don't even have to come near him."

You continued to mumble please in between kisses oblivious to the fact that Shinobu had given in. She was simply letting you continue so you could shower her with kisses. She turns around in your arms so you could kiss her lips. 

"Mmm. On one condition."


"You change that god awful name."

You gasp as she insults the name you had given (cat's name)."

"How can you say that!? I'll have you know, (cat's name) is a brilliant name! I'm insulted that you say it's a terrible name."

She rolls her eyes and leans in to kiss you. 

"Whatever you say, love. Now go to sleep. It's late."


"Are you going to feed (cat's name)?"

Shinobu rolls her eyes and pushes the medkit in your hands. 

"I'll feed him. I promise."

"Good. I should be going then. Wouldn't want it to get dark. Who knows what the darkness hides."

Shinobu laughs as she shakes her head. 

"God, I'm dating an idiot."

She says out loud, not even bothering to whisper it. 

"Hey! I heard you!"

"And you were meant to hear it." She leans in to kiss you, letting the kiss last a little longer. "Promise to be careful?"

She whispers to you. 

"I'll be careful. I'll return as quickly as I can."

After saying your goodbye's to the rest of the butterfly girls, you hurried to the village with the demon problem.


Days passed and no one heard any news of you. Shinobu was getting restless waiting in the estate while she waited to hear something. She had planned to visit the village you had been assigned to but she had been prohibited. The Master wouldn't tell her and she trusted him enough to not disobey him and ask questions. 

It was raining when Mitsuri arrived to tell her the news of what had occurred. The demon had taken hostages to force your hand to surrender. With no backup or weapon, the demon took advantage of how helpless you were. You gave your life so the 10 people held hostage could live. 

Mitsuri had wanted to stay to keep Shinobu company but she had been sent away. Shinobu said it was pointless to grieve at this point. You were dead and there were plenty of things that couldn't wait. The world wasn't going to stop and neither was she. 

She focused all her energy on her work. Every night, she always ended up knocking out as soon as her head hit the pillow. Because she was busy with a billion other things, she had forgotten the only thing you had asked her to do before you passed. 

(cat's name) came to her window almost two weeks after your death. Shinobu nearly killed it when she came face to face with it. 

"Why the hell are you here?" The cat just stared at her. "She's gone! No one is going to feed you anymore!" The cat didn't flinch as she yelled at him. "Can't you understand! She's dead!" Shinobu fell to her knees while the tears she had been holding back finally fell. "She's dead! G...get out!" Grabbing whatever she could reach in front of her, Shinobu threw it besides to scare it away. The cat didn't flinch when the item slammed against the wall. It simply meowed and jumped down to approach Shinobu. She continued to yell at him but he ignored her. He rubbed his head against her leg and moved to jump onto her lap. Without a second thought, Shinobu hugged him as she cried. "She's gone, (cat's name)."


(Cat's name) was surprisingly helpful to keep Shinobu from spiraling out of control. He kept her company and never left her side whenever she was at the state. If she left, he was always nearby one of the butterfly girls. They all came to appreciate his company and considered him an important part of the family. While no one ever said it out loud, they all thought it was you somehow keeping an eye on them through him. 

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