You/Fem!Muzan - Entertainment(Angst) Part 1

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AN: Death

Everyone might think of you as an idiot but you were far from it

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Everyone might think of you as an idiot but you were far from it. They all thought you didn't know that Muzan didn't love you but you had been aware since the beginning. Muzan was using you and you were okay with it.

Your family had been killed by her demons and you had only been turned because she decided to spare you. You quickly rose through the ranks to get close to her. You needed to get close to her to get revenge for what she had been partly responsible.

Unfortunately, you quickly learned that it would be impossible for you to get revenge. Because of her blood being responsible for turning you, you were her subject. You couldn't hurt her even if you could. After learning the truth, you learned to accept it. You continued to grow through the ranks until you were became Upper Rank 0. A new rank that Muzan had created just for you.

"You should feel special."

You closed your eyes and leaned to her touch as she caressed your cheek.

"Thank you, Lady Muzan."

"You're very welcome, darling. Maybe with you at my side, we'll finally get rid of those annoying brats that have been a thorn on my side. You'll help me win, right?"

"If that is your wish, I'll see it gets fulfilled."

"I knew I made the right choice to name you Upper Rank 0."


Being in such a high rank, you were always at her side. You did her bidding and kept her company. You took over half of her responsibilities to leave her with a lot of free time. She spent most of her time trying to figure out the secret to conquer the sun. The rest of her time, she spent it with you.

The two of you talked for hours and everyone could tell how close the two of you had gotten. Neither of you ever made things official but it wasn't necessary. You knew your place, beneath her and never as her equal. Muzan had found a plaything that could keep her entertained and you had managed to fall in love like an idiot.


As your body began to slowly turn into ash, you looked up at Muzan. Her eyes were wide, seemingly shocked about what was happening.

"Muzan?" She meets your eyes as you call her name. "Tell me the truth, did you ever love me?"


She tried to take your hand but it turned into ash before her eyes.

"Did I mean anything to you?"

She couldn't meet your eyes while you body slowly disappeared. You were going to die and burn in hell for eternity because of her yet she couldn't tell you the truth

"(y/n), I...."

You laugh just as your neck starts to disappear.

"I should've known. You've always been a coward."

"I love you!"

Muzan yelled but it had been too late. You had disappeared before you could know the truth.

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