You/Shinobu Kocho - Decisions(Angst)

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TW: Death

Despite the reports of you missing, Shinobu continued to hold her head high with a smile. You were only missing, you weren't dead. You had promised her that you weren't going to leave her and you always kept your promises. 

"Master, I'm ready to head out."

Shinobu nodded and stood up from her sister's alter. 

"Please keep her safe, Kanae."

The Hashira whispers before joining Kanao. The two sisters were setting out to search for you and bring you home. 


It's the 3rd day of their arrival to your last known location and neither sister was having any luck.  There were no signs of a fight or your belongings, making the search difficult. 

"You should rest, Kanao. You've been spending all day searching..."

"I'll rest when you rest, master."

Shinobu gave her a tired smile and motioned towards a spot below a tree. 

"I'll rest when I find her. Please get some rest, Kanao. It's an order."

Given an order, Kanao had no choice but to obey. She simply nods and lays down to get some rest. When Shinobu is sure that Kanao is asleep, she heads out to continue her search. She was exhausted from her lack of sleep but she couldn't rest. You were gone and possibly hurt, you needed her to find you. 


It's the morning of the fourth day when Shinobu begins to hallucinate. She hears someone's voice that sounds a lot like you but it's not. She always follows the sound of the voice and ends up finding nothing. Kanao had attempted to get her to sleep several times but Shinobu refused. 

"I'm fine, Kanao. I've stayed up much longer."

"Please, Shinobu"

Shinobu stopped walking when she heard her name. Kanao hardly used her name as a sign of respect. 

"One hour. Wake me up if you see anything."

Kanao nods and Shinobu sits against the first tree she finds. Sleep consumes her quickly. 


Kanao quickly pulled out her sword when she heard a twig snap nearby. She sees a blur on the corner of her eye and turns around in time to block the attack. The demon had barely turned so she could easily take them down but seeing their outfit made her hesitate. As she struggled to keep the demon from killing her, she called for Shinobu. 

"Master! I found her." In an instant, Shinobu appears from above. Pulling out her sword, she jabs it against the demons stomach to inject poison. As the poison spreads, the demon gets weaker. Using all her strength, Kanao pushes the demon off of her. "'s her."

Shinobu turns away from Kanao to look at the demon that was gasping for air. It wouldn't take long for the poison to kill them. Without thinking about the consequences, Shinobu administers the antidote. She swore to kill all demons in her path but she couldn't kill you. Before you recovered, Shinobu took off her belt and tied your arms around a tree. 

"I need Tanjiro. Find him and bring him with you."

Kanao nods and runs off, leaving Shinobu alone with you. 


It was painful to watch you struggle to get out of your binds. Looking into your eyes, there was no trace of you. There was no love in your eyes, it was all just a void. She let her fingers trail down your back, hoping for the reaction she always provoked but it simply just made you angrier. 

"You said you weren't going to leave me. You lied." She didn't flinch as you attempted to bite the hand on your shoulder. Unclipping your belt, she pulls out the sword from its sheath. "Destroyer of Demons." Shinobu read as her fingers traced the engraving on your sword. "As part of the demon corp, we're supposed to kill all demons. Our very swords have our purpose engraved and yet I can't bring myself to do so."

Taking your sword, Shinobu returns back to the tree she sat against. If Kanao didn't return by morning, she was going to do what was right. 


"Lady Kocho!"

Tanjiro yells for Shinobu as he comes running with his friends and Kanao. Shinobu gives them all a smile when they join her side. 

"I apologize for the hurry but this is urgent matters. You helped Nezuko keep her humanity, do you think it's possible to help her with hers."

Tanjiro's eyes widen when he spots you. He had seen you just a couple of weeks ago, it was startling to see that you had turned into a demon. 

"I...I don't know. I was told Nezuko was a rare case that might never occur again."

"I see."

"But we can try! We shouldn't give up for Lady (l/n)!"


Nothing worked. You remained the same blood-thirsty demon that they had found you. 

"Morning is set to arrive. You should all head back. Thank you for helping me."

"But Lady Kocho, what about Lady (l/n)."

"I must do what should've been done in the first place."

Shinobu had put up a strong front but Tanjiro could pick up a sad scent from her. He hated that he hadn't been any help. 

"A..are you sure, Lady Kocho? We can..."

"I'm sure, Tanjiro. Please head back. I apologize for disturbing you."

"DAMMIT! LET US HELP YOU!" Shinobu was taken aback by Inosuke's yelling. "WE CAN'T GIVE UP!"

The three boys began to argue amongst each other. Zenitsu wanting to respect Shinobu's wishes and Tanjiro along with Inosuke wanting to continue helping you. Before they could notice, Shinobu stepped away. 


Coating the tip of her sword with a soft poison, she held up the tip to your back. Closing her eyes, she mumbled a quiet prayer. As she finishes, she stabs you with her sword. The effects of the poison work much quicker. You fall to your knees, gasping for air. You fight harder against the restraints but with each passing second, you weaken. You soon fall to your knees, unable to hold yourself up. 

Shinobu joins you on the ground. She wraps her arms around you, holding you tightly. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I couldn't save you. I'm sorry for giving up so quickly."

She whispers as your body turns to dust. Soon enough, there's nothing left of you. She's left sitting with nothing but your sword as the only reminder of you. 


Shinobu stared at her ceiling, clutching on to the pillow you had used when you slept over. There was barely a hint of your scent but it was enough to comfort her. She was so damn angry. Just when she was beginning to feel something other than anger, it was ripped away from her. She was a fool to believe that she would ever find happiness.

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