You/Kanae Kocho - Biology

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You're in the middle of your lunch break, messing around with a computer when someone knocks at your door

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You're in the middle of your lunch break, messing around with a computer when someone knocks at your door. Not bothering to check who it was, you let them in.

"Ms.Kocho, how can I help?"

She gives you a sheepish smile as she moves to take a seat in front of your desk.

"I can't seem to access the wifi. Do you think you could help me out?"

You give her a smile and nod. You would literally do anything for Ms. Kocho, she just didn't know as to what extent you would go to.

"Let me see." She slides her laptop to you so you could check it. "Hmm. That's weird." You looked over various settings, checking to see what might be the problem. When everything seems fine, you start going through the various solutions you've done on other computers. "I can't seem to find the problem."

"I'm not sure what could be wrong with it. It was working fine in the morning and then it just stopped working."

You're stumped over what the problem could be. You had managed to go through ever solution but nothing seemed to be working.

"Will you be needing it in the afternoon? I can try to work on it and see what's wrong with it."

"Really? You're a life saver, Ms. (l/n). I won't be needed it this afternoon so feel free to work on it when you can. It's not really urgent and it's not even school property."

"No worries, Ms. Kocho. I'm sure I can figure out what the problem. I'll let you know when it's fixed."

After excusing herself, you let out a sigh of relief. Being around her was nerve wrecking. Your heart had a tendency of beating fast when she was near you. You hated yourself for falling in love with the science teacher.


School had been dismissed so Kanae was simply just working on some last minute lesson before heading home. Her classroom was open in case a student needed her help while she was still in campus.

"I uh fixed it!"

You come rushing inside her classroom to drop off the laptop and hurry out just barely giving her enough time to thank you. She was confused about what had just happened. You had always been a little awkward but not to this point. Figuring it has something to do with what you might've seen in her laptop, she opens it to check it.

'I saw you coming out of Ms. (l/n)'s classroom, you better have not been flirting with my teacher. I like her.'

Kanae wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. She couldn't believe Shinobu had actually texted her that. She was regretting ever saying anything to her sister about liking you. Now she wasn't sure how she was going to face you.


Shinobu couldn't stop laughing when Kanae had explained what had happened in the afternoon.

"I told you that piece of junk was no good anyway. You need to get a knew one."

"Shut up, Shinobu! I'm not exactly rich. Besides it still works."

"Only because your little lover keeps fixing it for her. I know! Why don't you ask her for one? I hear she has a nice little side hustle in fixing electronics. I bet she's rich."

"You know, you could really be annoying when you want to. I can't even face her now that she saw that message. If she saw that, she probably saw the others."

"Oh, relax. She likes you. I've seen her drop everything she's doing just to deal with your problems. I think that means she likes you. I'm sure she was just shocked over what she saw."


Shinobu covers her mouth as she laughs when she sees Kanae's shocked expression.

"Yeah. Everyone knows about her huge crush on you. You can either pretend that she didn't see what she saw or you can finally ask her out."


Unable to sleep, Kanae had gone to work early. She kept debating with herself as to what to do about you. She liked you a lot but she was conflicted as to whether it would be a good idea to ask you out.

Distracted with her thoughts, she doesn't notice you standing in front of her. By the time she does, it's too late. She bumps into you, making you spill all your papers.

"I'm so sorry! I....Ms. (l/n)..."

"It's fine! Don't worry about it, Ms. Kocho. I'll see you later."

You hurry to pick up your papers before she could help you but it doesn't work.

"Can we talk?"

She asks while holding in a few pieces of paper. You seem to debate for a second before nodding. Kanae hands you your papers and follows you to your class.


Taking a seat at your desk, Kanae takes a seat in front of you.

"About yesterday. I didn't mean to see anything. It just popped up as soon as the wifi connected. I didn't mean to invade your privacy, Ms. Kocho."

"Please, we've known each other for months. I'd like to think that we're at least friends. Call me Kanae."

"Oh, then please call me (y/n)."

She smiles widely.

"Well (y/n), while that message wasn't for you. I'm glad you saw it. It gave me the push for something that I've wanted to do for a while."

You frown at her words, unsure of what she could've wanted to do that had to deal with the message.

"I'm not following, Kanae."

"I'd like to go on a date."

Your frown deepens, now confused.

"On a date? I...I've never been on one so I'm not sure if I could give you any advice."

Kanae quietly laughs at your confused expression. It seems that the two of you were definitely clueless.

"I meant that I want to go on a date with you, (y/n). What do you say?"

"Oh!" Your cheeks turn bright red from how embarrassed you are over your lack of understanding. "I'd love to!"


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

All characters are 18+

Tamayo - Principles

Fem!Muzan - Part 2


Thank you!

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