Pushing the feeling aside, she nodded.

"Alright," the prince said, trying hard to keep his emotions in check. "Why don't you two say your last goodbyes."

As soon as the words had escaped Cassius's mouth, Emalina flung herself at Safania for a final hug, sobbing.

"This isn't goodbye," Safania whispered in Emalina's ear as the two embraced. She didn't know if Emalina heard over her tears, but she pulled away regardless and followed Cassius to the stable, leaving Emalina crying in her old room.

The two walked in silence through the castle and outside to the stable. The snow crunched under their feet as they walked. Fortunately, it was early enough that they weren't disturbed.

"Promise me you'll be safe," Cassius told her, as he selected a horse from the stable.

"I promise I'll try," Safania said simply.

The two stood there awkwardly, so much between them unspoken, but no time left to say it.

"I love you, Safania of Eir," Cassius said finally.

"I love you, Prince Cassius of Peria," Safania replied.

Cassius looked at Safania, beautiful as ever in a blue-grey traveling coat. Her dark hair flowed down past her shoulders instead of being intricately braided or done up, probably for warmth. And of course, those haunting eyes. Cassius tried to commit every detail to memory. He couldn't forget her.

Safania did the same, staring at Cassius's perfectly ruffled white hair, his broad, muscular shoulders, his strong, sharp jawline, and his ice blue eyes. She had grown so emotionally attached to him that she had forgotten just how handsome he was. But looking at him now, really looking, she realized that he was the most attractive man she had ever met. And now she had to leave him.

"I...I should go," Safania told Cassius, snapping out of her trance.

Cassius looked at her and nodded. He helped put her supplies on the horse and then helped her mount it.

"Cassius?" Safania said, once on the horse.


"You really will make a great king," she said. And with that, she gave the horse the signal to charge forward, leaving everything behind without looking back.

Cassius watched as she rode off. She didn't give him one last kiss or even a last chance to say goodbye, but he wasn't upset. There was no good way to end this. 

"Goodbye Safania," he said under his breath.

He walked to the stables. "She's headed West," he told Eli, who was waiting inside on his horse, ready to go. 

Eli nodded, charging his horse forward. Cassius watched as he rode off after Safania, then immediately left to go to the tournament. He was already dressed, and if he went back to his room, he knew he would just sit around and think of her.

So instead, he wandered the grounds of the tournament. Spectators were starting to arrive, as were the competitors. He watched as some of them put on their armor while others warmed up.

"Your highness," he heard a familiar voice call out. He turned to find Edward approaching him.

"You didn't bring Safania?" his friend asked, confused.

Cassius shook his head.

"Why not?" Edward asked. Before Cassius could answer, they were interrupted.

"Cassius, my boy," his father's booming voice came from behind them. "I take it you've made your decision?"

"Safania left this morning," he replied, his voice hollow.

His father took him by his shoulders. "That's my boy," he said. "This kingdom's future king."

It took everything Cassius had in him to summon a halfway convincing smile.

"Don't worry son, I've picked out a great fit for you. She's a stunner. And from what I've gathered, she's very eager to please. Shouldn't give you the same kind of trouble Alterius has had with Celine."

"I will happily accept any wife you've chosen for me father," Cassius replied, giving the answer he had been programmed to give.

King Theodore gave him a proud pat on the back before leaving.

"You chose the crown over Safania," Edward mused, realizing what had happened.

"It wasn't an easy choice."

"If you really loved her, it would have been," Edward countered, sending a dagger through Cassius's heart. 

"Don't pretend to know what I'm feeling," Cassius snarled at his best friend, more harshly than he had ever spoken to him before. "What do you even know about love?"

"I know it's not too late. You could skip the tournament. Go after her."

Cassius shook his head. "This is what she wants."

"You're sure about that?" Edward replied, skeptically.

Cassius sighed. "I've made my decision, Edward. You're not helping by second guessing me. You can help me by meeting me after the tournament in the grungiest tavern we can find and getting completely pickled with me."

Edward smiled. "Of course, your highness."

Cassius left Edward and joined his father in a booth meant for the royal family. With Celine choosing not to come because of the stillbirth and he and Orphasius unmarried, the booth was just the king and his sons.

"Where's Safania?" Orphasius asked, smirking, once Cassius sat down.

"She left," Cassius told him simply. The one good part of Safania leaving – Orphasius wouldn't have an opportunity to harass her anymore.

"What? Why?" he asked, the smirk wiped from his face.

"Something about not being able to stand my disgusting brother..." Cassius replied.

"Fine, don't tell me," Orphasius said. "I'll just ask her myself once I track her down."

"You'll never catch her," Cassius said confidently.

The sound of horns interrupted their exchange. An announcer stepped in front of the King and the assembled crowd.

"Welcome to the Oske tournament! We are gathered to celebrate the benevolence of our great King, King Theodore. Long may he reign!"

"Long may he reign!" the crowd repeated.

"In his unending generosity, King Theodore will allow the victor of this tournament one wish. The victor may wish for anything the King has the power to grant him."

"Who do you think will win?" Orphasius asked Alterius.

"Probably Aron again. He's won the last two."

"Boring. He'll probably just ask for another fancy sword. Such a waste of a wish. Do you want to bet on how many of them end up dying?"

Cassius ignored them and scanned the crowd, looking especially at the noble's section. Was that woman with braids his future wife? Or was it that woman with the hat? He supposed it didn't matter. None of them were who he wanted to marry.

"We have 36 champions today, so we will begin the tournament with battles of six. Each winner of the battle will go into a semi-final round of three, and the final two victors will face off in the last round. And with that, let's bring out our first six fighters!"

The first six men walked into the arena. The first was extremely large, but not in a fit way. The next two were wiry, and their armor was ill-fitting.

"Peasants trying to compete," Alterius scoffed. "It's always fun to watch them go down quickly."

The fourth and fifth looked more like typical challengers. The fifth especially was fit, muscular, and had a confident posture. Then the sixth walked in. Cassius leaned forward, puzzled. He would recognize that armor anywhere – it was Lieutenant Ari.

But what in the world was he doing there?

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