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The gang were on there way to Vermillion City

"You sure you know where we're going?" Meowth asked

"It says on my Rotom Phone that this path will take us to Vermillion City." Brock said looking at his Rotom Phone

"I hope we can catch some Pokémon in this area" Ash said

On the way, they spotted a blue Pokémon with two legs & green leaves on it's head drinking from a small lake. Serena pulled out her Rotom Phone

Oddish, The Weed Pokémon, a Grass & Poison Type, Oddish seeks out fertile ground where it can absorb nutrients from the soil. When it finds the perfect spot, it buries itself, & its feet apparently become like tree roots

"Aww, it's so cute." Serena said as she pulled out a Poké Ball "I'm gonna catch it"

Serena threw the Poké Ball at Oddish, but then suddenly something whacked the Pokéball away. When they looked they saw a Bulbasaur

"Wow, it's a Bulbasaur" Ash exclaimed surprisingly as he pulled out his Rotom Phone

Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokemon, A Grass & Poison Type, Bulbasaurs like to take a nap in the sunshine. While it sleeps, the seed on its back catches the rays & uses the energy to grow

Bulbasaur & Oddish ran away from the gang.

"Hey wait, don't run away" Ash called out

"Aw, I really wanted to catch that Oddish" Serena sighed in disappointment

"That Bulbasaur must be a friend of that Oddish & was protecting it" Brock said "Don't worry, you two. You'll get more luck next time"

The gang pressed on & came across a bridge. While they were crossing the wind picked up & the bridge began to fall apart, then Brock slipped off & fell into the river. Ash, Serena, Pikachu, Eevee & Meowth managed to get to the other side. They searched down the river, but they ended up in a tree net trap. A few minutes later

"Hey Ash, Serena" A voice called out

When they looked, they saw Brock & Bulbasaur

"Brock, you're alright" Serena said in relief

"Get us down" Meowth yelped

"Don't worry, we'll get you down." Brock said as he turned to Bulbasaur " Bulbasaur, use Razor Leaf"

Bulbasaur fired several green glowing leaves at the net which broke apart & Ash, Serena, & their Pokémon fell on the ground

"We've been looking all over for ya. What happened?" Meowth asked

"This Bulbasaur we met earlier saved my life, it wasn't alone. A girl was there with Bulbasaur while I was washed away" Brock said

Brock led Ash to a wood cabin near a lake.

"Melanie" Brock said to the girl he was talking about

"Oh Brock, Bulbasaur, you're back" Melanie said "Are these your friends?"

"Yes, this is Ash & Serena" Brock introduced

"Nice to meet you & thank you for helping Brock." Ash said

"Oh, it was nothing. Bulbasaur was the one who saved Brock, I just came over to help when Bulbasaur called out to me." Melanie said

"Thank you so much, Bulbasaur." Ash said

"Bulba" Bulbasaur scoffed as he turned his head the other way

"You'll have to excuse Bulbasaur, it's not very fond of Pokémon trainers." Melanie said

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