Lavender Town

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Lavender Town

The gang arrived at a town called Lavender Town

"Why did you wanna come here?" Brock asked

"I'm here to get a Key Stone. Professor Oak said I can get a Key Stone from Mr. Fuji at the Pokémon House in Lavender Town. If I can get a Key Stone, I can Mega Evolve Beedrill & Gyarados." Ash said

When they arrived at the Pokémon House

"Hello, may I help you?" A woman asked

"Yes, I was told by Professor Oak that I could get a Key Stone from Mr. Fuji. Do you know where he is?" Ash asked

"Yes, Mr. Fuji is at the Pokémon Tower at the moment. I'm sure he'll be back any minute now. I'm Mr Fuji's wife, Mrs. Fuji" Mrs. Fuji said

"I'm Ash from Pallet Town & these are my partners Pikachu & Meowth" Ash introduced

"Pika Pika" Pikachu greeted

"Hi" Meowth greeted

"I'm Serena from Vaniville Town & this is my partner Eevee" Serena introduced

"Eevee" Eevee greeted

"I'm Brock, I'm from Pewter City" Brock introduced

"Nice to meet you, just have a seat & wait for my husband." Mrs. Fuji said

30 minutes later

"Geez, what's taking that Fuji guy so long. We've been waiting for 30 minutes" Meowth complained

"I don't know, but I think we should go to the Pokémon Tower & look for him." Ash suggested

When they got to the Pokémon Tower

"So this is the Pokémon Tower." Ash said

"It's giving me the creeps" Meowth said in fear

"Well, we need to find Mr. Fuji. I hope he's not hurt" Serena said

When they entered they saw multiple gravestones, when they got to the 3rd floor

"the Pokémon Tower is actually a cemetery for Pokémon when they die." Brock pointed out

"It kind of makes you feel sad doesn't it? All these Pokémon who are no longer living" Ash said

"Yeah, it is sad" Serena agreed

"Eevee" Eevee agreed

"Pika Pika" Pikachu said as he pointed at something

When the gang looked, they saw a Cubone staring up at the ceiling

"It's a Cubone" Brock said

"Hey Cubone, have you seen a man by the name of Mr. Fuji?" Ash asked

"...Cu" Cubone sighed as he walked past them

"What's wrong with Cubone" Serena asked

"It's probably upset about it's parent, Cubones' are always like that" Brock said

"Poor little guy," Ash said feeling sorry for Cubone "we better press on"

As they walked away, Cubone stopped, looked back at them, & stared. When they got to the 5th floor, Meowth suddenly got lifted off of Ash's shoulder.

"Agh! What's going on?" Meowth yelped

"Meowth." Ash said

Suddenly 3 Pokémon appeared & started laughing, one was a Gastly, the second one was a purple limbless ghost-like Pokémon with hands, & the third one that was holding Meowth by his tail was a dark purple bipedal ghost-like Pokémon with a round body with arms & legs, red eyes, & a wide sinister grin.

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