Fuchsia City

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Fuchsia City

The gang have arrived at Fuchsia City

"The Fuchsia Gym Leader, Koga, also known as the Poisonous Ninja Master, is a ninja master of ninjutsu, he's a teacher who students in the art of Ninjutsu & Pokémon, he studied medicine & antidotes; he even makes his own potions to heal his own Pokémon. Koga uses Poison Type Pokémon, you can defeat him by using Psychic & Ground Type Pokémon." Brock said

"Hm, the only Ground Types I have are Sandslash & Cubone." Ash said

"Ash, you know that Koga, & the last 2 Gym Leaders are gonna be a lot tougher than Brock & the other Gym Leaders." Serena mentioned

"I'm always up for a challenge." Ash said

When they went to the Gym, they entered & saw that the gym was empty. Suddenly a puff of smoke appeared in front of the gang, & when it cleared, they saw a woman with green hair styled in a ponytail, blue eyes, & a pink & red ninja outfit.

"Greetings, I am Aya, how may I be of service to you?" Aya said

"Well, I'm here to challenge Koga to a Gym Battle, please" Ash said

"Hm, very well, but first you have to defeat me in battle." Aya said as she disappeared & reappeared at the center of the room "Now, come forth."

The gang started coming towards Aya, but suddenly they hit an invisible wall

"Hey, what the!" Ash exclaimed

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the first test is to go through this invisible maze to get to me" Aya said

"Well, now you tell us!" Meowth exclaimed

"How are we gonna get to her now?" Brock said

"Ash, use that power you used to find the missing children in Hop Town" Serena said

"Alright" Ash said before closing his eyes

Ash saw the same blue light from before & it showed him the way to get to Aya. After many twists & turns, the gang had reached her.

"Congratulations, you passed the first test." Aya congratulated "Now, are you ready."

"Yes ma'am." Ash nodded

"Go Venonat" Aya said as she sent out a purple insect-like Pokémon with red compound eyes

"Venonat" the Pokémon said as Ash pulled out his Rotom Phone

Venonat, the Insect Pokémon, a Bug & Poison Type, Venonat's large, sensitive eyes pick up even the tiniest movement. The stiff hair that covers its body protects it from harm.

"Psyduck, I choose you!" Ash said as he sent out his Psyduck

"Psyduck" Psyduck quacked

"Ash is using Psyduck." Serena said

"& it's a good thing too, since he knows Psychic Type moves" Brock said

"Good luck, Psyduck!" Serena cheered

"Eevee!" Eevee cheered

"You ready, Psyduck?" Ash asked

"Psy!" Psyduck nodded in determination

"Then let's do this." Ash said


"Alright Psyduck, let's start things off with Future Sight." Ash said. Psyduck's eyes glowed blue, summoned four wormholes & sent blasts of electrified psychic energy through them.

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