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The gang were at a restaurant. Before they went to the restaurant, Ash had his Aerodactylite, Charizardite X, Kangaskhanite, & Pinsirite worked on. Charizard wore the Charizardite X in a glove on his right hand, Kangaskhan's baby wore the Kangaskhanite in a necklace, Pinsir wore the Pinsirite around his wrist, & Aerodactyl wore the Aerodactylite in an anklet. Right now Meowth was doting on Serena's Egg.

"Hush little eggy, don't say a word, Meowth's gonna buy you a Delibird & if that Delibird don't tweet, Meowth's gonna buy you a bag of sweets." Meowth sang

"Meowth's really attached to the egg, isn't he?" Ash said

"Yeah, he's been keeping close to the egg ever since I got it." Serena smiled in adoration "He & Brock have been a big help."

"Remember Serena, it takes a lot of love, care, & responsibility to raise a Pokémon Egg." Brock said

"I know." Serena said

"Can't wait to see what kind of Pokémon it is." Ash said

"Uh, guys, I don't think we have to wait any longer." Meowth said

"Why's that, Meowth?" Brock asked

"Because, it's hatching!" Meowth exclaimed anxiously as the egg started glowing

The gang went outside, with Serena holding the Egg & watched

"This is it, the moment we've been waiting for." Ash said

"Oh my gosh, I'm so excited!" Serena exclaimed with excitement

"Easy Serena, you don't wanna scare the little one when it hatches." Brock said, calming her down.

The Pokémon Egg glowed white & shined a bright light. When the light faded, the Egg had hatched into a small, light yellow Pokémon with a round body that is still encased in its eggshell with little hands & feet

"Togepi." The Pokémon yawned before opening its eyes

"Aww, it's so adorable." Serena adored as Ash pulled out his Rotom Phone

Togepi, the Spike Ball Pokémon, a Fairy Type. Togepi soaks up good vibes from other beings for use as energy. Its shell is filled with happy feelings & warm fuzzies.

"Toge?" Togepi said as it looked at Serena

"Hello there, sweetheart. Welcome to the world." Serena said sweetly

"Piii Piii." Togepi squealed in happiness

"You're lucky, Serena." Brock said "Togepi are very rare Pokémon & they're originally found in the Johto Region."

"Wow, my first Johto Pokémon & we haven't been to the Johto Region." Serena said

"Why don't you give Togepi its first bath." Brock suggested

Brock placed a small tub on the ground & filled it with warm water. Serena placed Togepi in the tub & started washing it.

"Wash very gently now, Serena." Brock instructed as Serena gently washed Togepi with a washcloth

"Scrub a dub dub, Togepi in a tub." Meowth sang

After Serena washed Togepi, Brock gently dried Togepi up with a towel.

"There we go, nice & clean." Brock said

"How do you feel, Togepi?" Ash asked

"Toge Toge." Togepi squealed happily

"I think it's time for you to put Togepi in a Poké Ball, Serena." Brock suggested

"Right." Serena said as she pulled out a pink Poké Ball with a cream-colored pattern

"What Poké Ball is that?" Meowth asked

"It's a Heal Ball, a Poké Ball that heals Pokémon after they've been captured by it." Brock said

Serena lightly tapped the Heal Ball on Togepi & captured it.

"How about we let her get acquainted with our Pokémon?" Ash suggested

"Good idea" Serena said

Ash sent out his Bulbasaur, Wartortle, Charizard, Kangaskhan, & Magnemite. Serena sent out her Cubone, Seel, Chansey, & Omanyte. & Brock sent out his Onyx, Geodude, Zubat, Squirtle, Rhyhorn, & Diglett.

"Alright everyone, I want you to meet a new member of our family." Serena said as she sent out her Togepi

"Togepi." Togepi squealed

"Everyone, meet Togepi." Serena said. "We expect everyone to get along with her, but you have to be careful with her since she's a baby."

While everyone was getting acquainted with Togepi. Omanyte, Wartortle, & Squirtle played Peek-A-Boo with Togepi, Diglett gently & playfully tossed her up & down, She rode on Kangaskhan's pouch & Rhyhorn's back, she got to try on Ash's hat, she even got to slide down Onyx's back, she became drawn to Charizard's tail flame, but Meowth stopped her from touching it. Togepi enjoyed playing & getting to know everyone & imprinted on them. She enjoyed she the Pokémon food that Brock made. After they ate, Chansey sang to sleep. the gang returned their Pokémon except Togepi

"Why aren't you putting Togepi back into her Heal Ball." Ash asked curiously

"Well, it's the same as you when you caught Meowth & as Togepi's mother, I have to take care of her." Serena said as she picked up the sleeping Togepi

"I might I have something for that." Brock said as he pulled out a baby carrier with a small pouch.

"Oh Brock, it's adorable." Serena said "Thank you."

Brock put the baby carrier on Serena & Ash put Togepi in the pouch

"You're gonna be a great mom in the future someday, Serena." Ash complimented

"Aw, thank you, Ash." Serena blushed "I could say the same to you, you did take in Marowak when he was a Cubone after his mom died."

"Yeah." Ash blushed as he scratched the back of his head.

"Alright, you two lovebirds, let's continue our way to Cinnabar Island." Brock said

"Meowth, would you like to be Togepi's godfather?" Serena asked

"I'd love to." Meowth smiled

So with a Johto Regional Pokémon hatched from an egg & a second Pokémon partner for Serena, the journey continues.
























Stay tuned for another chapter, Morpho Out

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