Vermillion City

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Vermillion City

The gang have finally made it to Vermilion City.

"Finally, We're here" Serena said happily

"We should clean up & get something to eat" Brock suggested

"Right, I'm starving" Ash agreed

After they cleaned up and ate, Ash got his Pokémon checked. While they were waiting, Brock was telling Ash & Serena about the Vermillion Gym Leader

"The Gym Leader, Lt. Surge also known as the Lightning Lieutenant is a soldier who fought in a war & Electric Type Pokémon saved his life. He was a Commanding Officer & a pilot." Brock explained "He uses Electric Type Pokémon & you can defeat him by using Ground Type Pokémon"

"Ash, the only Ground Type you have is Sandshrew." Serena pointed out "What Pokémon are you gonna use if Surge uses more than one Pokémon"

"I can use Bulbasaur" Ash said

"That's a good choice" Brock said "Bulbasaur is a Grass & Poison Type & Electric Type Moves aren't very effective against Grass Type Pokémon"

When they got to the Gym

"Greetings I'm Dwayne, how may I be of service to you?" Dwayne said

"I'm here to challenge Lt. Surge." Ash said

"Follow me." Dwayne said as he led the gang to a muscular man with spiky blonde hair, a green tank top, black sunglasses, camouflage pants, dark brown boots, & a dog tag necklace. "Sir, you have another challenger, sir."

"Hm, which one of you is my challenger" Lt. Surge said while studying the gang

"That would be me, sir." Ash said "I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town"

"Alright kid, I accept your challenge" Lt. Surge accepted before noticing Pikachu "Well, what do you know? A Pikachu."

"Pikachu" Pikachu smiled

"This your Pokémon, kid?" Lt. Surge asked

"Yes sir, he's the first Pokémon I ever got" Ash said

"Is that so? Well, I hope you've prepared for this gym battle, kid." Lt. Surge said

At the battlefield, Ash & Lt. Surge went into battle position

"The Gym Battle between Ash of Pallet Town & Lt. Surge, the Vermillion Gym Leader will begin. This will be a 3 on 3 battle & the battle will end when either side is unable to continue & only the Challenger is allowed to substitute Pokémon" Dwayne announced

"Voltorb, Ten hut!" Lt. Surge said as he sent out a Poké Ball-like Pokémon with eyes

"Voltorb" The Pokémon said as Ash pulled out his Rotom Phone

Voltorb, the Ball Pokémon, an Electric Type, Voltorb looks like a Poké Ball, & it was first spotted at a Poké Ball factory. Nobody knows the connection.

"Bulbasaur, I choose you!" Ash said as he sent out his Bulbasaur

"Bulba" Bulbasaur said

"Just to let you know, kid. I beat my challengers so bad, I sent their Pokémon to the ER" Lt. Surge warned

"I'm always up for a challenge" Ash said

"Battle begin" Dwayne announced


"Bulbasaur, Use Growth" Ash said

"Bulba!" Bulbasaur said as he became surrounded by light green aura

"Voltorb, Use Rollout" Lt. Surge said. Voltorb glowed bright red & repeatedly rolled into Bulbasaur

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