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The gang arrived at a place called Mossgreen Village.

"We need to stock up on some medicine & we should get something to eat after that." Brock suggested

"Guys, I don't feel so good." Meowth said woozily as he was sitting back against a tree

"Aww, what's wrong, Meowth?" Serena said in concern as she touched his forehead "Goodness gracious, you're burning up."

"Let me see." Ash said as he felt Meowth's forehead "Whoa, you're right, I think he has a fever."

"We better get some medical attention & quickly." Brock said

"I can help you with that." A voice said

The gang looked & saw a young woman with dark green hair styled up in twin buns & dark yellow eyes, wearing a white shirt, red pants, & black flats.

"Who are you?" Ash asked

"I'm Cassandra, I'm the owner of a pharmacy here in Mossgreen Village." Cassandra said

"Can you help my Meowth?" Ash asked

"Yes." Cassandra nodded as she went to Meowth

Cassandra pulled out a mortar & pestle, she put some seeds & herb in the mortar, mixed them up with the pestle, then she had Meowth drink the mixture & Meowth's fever slowly went away.

"How are you feeling, Meowth?" Ash asked

"Better." Meowth said as he stood up

"Thank you so much for helping Meowth." Ash said gratefully "How can I repay you?"

"Well, there is one favor I need to ask you." Cassandra said "Come to my pharmacy."

Cassandra led the gang to her pharmacy

"Grandma, I'm here." Cassandra said as she & the gang entered

"Oh hello, dearie, did you get the herbs?" Cassandra's grandmother asked

"Yes, ma'am." Cassandra said

"We haven't properly introduced ourselves." Brock said "My name's Brock & these are my friends."

"I'm Ash, & these are my partners Pikachu & Meowth." Ash said

"Pika." Pikachu greeted

"Hi." Meowth greeted

"& I'm Serena & this is my partner Eevee." Serena said

"Eevee." Eevee greeted

"It's nice to meet you all." Cassandra said

The gang, Cassandra, & her grandmother went outback

"Now, about that favor I asked you." Cassandra said as she sent out a Paras

"Paras." Paras said

"I want my Paras to evolve into Parasect, so I can have its mushroom." Cassandra said "I'm gonna use the Parasect's mushroom to make a new potion to help other Pokémon."

"I get it, you want me to battle your Paras in order for it to evolve." Ash said

"Yes." Cassandra said

"Hiya Paras" Meowth greeted

"Paras!" Para shrieked as it went behind Cassandra

"Sorry about that, but Paras can be very anxious sometimes." Cassandra said

"Well, if we're gonna battle Paras, we're gonna have to train it first." Ash suggested

"That's a good idea." Brock said

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