Cloaker x Reader

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T.W; mentions of violence and mature language!

Edited- fixed some spelling mistakes

The heist, so far, was going okay; You, Wolf, Jacket and Dallas had made it inside the Vault and you were tasked with picking the locks of the deposit boxes to ensure that they were opened as quickly as possible since the special units were starting to make their way through the bank towards where you and Jacket currently stood. A huff came from you as you pulled open the 10th deposit box to be met with some Letters - pressing against your mic a little,you enjoyed the slight crackle of it coming to life as you spoke to your Navigator and, who you considered a good friend, Bain.

'Bain? Are you sure there's any good loot here? All I've seen is necklaces, war medals and letters!' 

You started picking another box as you listened to Bain's reply, sounding a little confused himself as the box opened to reveal a single birth cirtificate. This stint of bad luck was getting painfully annoying now!

"There should be! I'll check over my files again, stay safe clowns"

Another huff came from you as you called at Dallas to pick some locks himself, grabbing your gun as you rose to start fighting off the incoming SWAT and moving Hostages out the line of fire, grumbling as a bullet or two embedded in your vest as you sat a bank teller in a nook of the bank, out of the line of fire.

'Stay here, last thing we want is any civilian deaths'

You told the horrified woman, continuing to move civvies until all hostages were in a safe location before moving to get to the store next door. You had to look for Gage's courier packages anyways and might as well look for any other safes to loot.

As you exited the side door of the bank you heard the sound of a cloaker,only being able to whip around in time for him to pin you against the wall, both of you being stunned at him not kicking the fuck out of you already or you trying to shoot him as you awkwardly cleared your throat.

"Uh...Cloaker? Aren't you supposed to.."

Your words were cut off as he went to grab your mask, hands shooting to stop him from ripping it off of your face, the two of you having a small scuffle as you tried to remove eachothers masks to no avail, the tussle ending up on the floor as the cloaker spoke, his voice glitchy in the mask.

"Y-you call this resisting arrest? We call this a difficulty tweak!"

You couldn't help but scoff at his words, now as nose to nose with the Cloaker as you could be in your crooked mask you spoke, tone harsh.

"Listen here, acro-boy. You better hope that silly little catchphrase of yours isnt used again you hear?"

Your threat was met with a chortle of a laugh as the cloaker pressed harder against you, leaving you prone on the floor.

"And remind me, Bitch who's the one laying on the floor? Thats right, You."

You glared at him as he laughed, too tired for his bullshit but found it intresting how he wasn't beating you yet. Only staring like he caught a rare animal in his snare.

"Now you, you are a fun fighter, ill give you that. How about a nice parting gift from Elite Cloaker, hum?"

You could just hear the grin in his voice as he pinned your hands down, moving his mouthpiece and giving a small kiss to your exposed jaw, making your face heat up at the surprising gentleness of him. Especially when he continued to pepper small kisses closer to your lips before pulling up off of you, grinning cheekily as he got a card out his pocket, putting it on your torso as he got up.

"Call me~"

He whispered before putting his mouthguard back on and rushed to join the rest of the retreating police, leaving you stunned and flustered beyond belief on the ground.

As you slowly sat up you noticed a hand move to 'fix' your mask, a familiar voice box playing as you recognised your teammate, Jacket. Seems he had noticed that you were gone for much longer than needed..

'Get up'

You hid the card in your pocket, clearing your throat as Jacket helped you up..seems you'll have to take up that Cloaker's offer some time.

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