Bain x Reader

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For context the reader is a contractor :3

Contains spoilers for Bain's appearance!


You cursed, you know that you planned this so much better than it went, trying to get the payday gang out before anyone got arrested or seriously injured, helping them get Medic bags and Ammo last minute, hanging half out of a helicopter as you handed Dallas a bag of Ammo before watching him run off to help his crew survive the wait for the escape while you started to pull yourself in.

"Alright Alex, its time to g-"

you couldn't finish your words, the return fire of another helicopter hitting you and sending you plummeting out of the chopper, letting out a shrill scream as the water below got closer and closer before you hit the cold, sinking in deep as air was forced out of you as you sank deeper and deeper down, unable to swim up from the weight of your vest and the force of the drop.

you genuinely believed that this was it, watching bubbles travel through the dark water before someone jumped in, grabbing your arms tight as things were getting dark, dragging you to the surface where you spluttered desperately for air, head lolling back as you were dragged onto a boat, someone shouting and swearing as you blacked out.

" (Y/N)...(Y/N) get up.."

You groaned as you dared not open your eyes, a hand gently petting your head as the familiar voice of Bain rang out, your friend concerned in tone as you slowly opened your eyes, covering them from the brightness of close-by electronics that lit the room up in a thick blue hue that seemed to both blind and soothe you.

"You had me worried for a moment there, don't be as risky next time...please. If one of the crew didn't grab you who knows what would have happened!"

The frantic man rambled as you slowly adjusted to the light of the room, moving to look at him as he was hidden in the shadows, only a slight light showed his furrowed brow and long hair, his grip a little tighter as he spoke - as if terrified about what could of happened.

"Bain, I'm right here, Is the gang okay?...are you feeling okay?"

You kept your voice quiet as the other Sighed, moving a little more into the light to his face, as he watched you, tucking you into the sheets a little more to keep you warm as brown locks softly fell over and around his face, the man looking tired yet relieved as he watched you quietly, almost slumped forwards from what you could assume was a mix of exhaustion and stress.

"The others are okay and don't worry about me, only a few extra grey hairs"

You smiled softly, moving a arm to tuck hair behind his ear, the male making a small sound of surprise at your action. Your voice was still soft from the whole ordeal you went through yet you wanted to comfort the other.

"As long as you are all okay. Also.., you look exhausted, Bain. You can lay down for a bit and rest, I don't mind"

He seemed to weigh the options, looking at you then the bed than his hands before sighing, carefully moving to lay on top of the covers, pulling you into a tight hug - his beard tickiling your skin as he cuddled.

"You could of died, (Y/N). The gang adores your jobs and..and!"

He stressed at you, unable to finish the possibility as you pulled him close to hug him back, smushing your face into his shirt to make yourself closer to the stressed hacker.

"I'm right here, I promise that I'm not going anywhere, Bain."

You moved a hand to run your fingers through his hair, the male relaxing a little more with a deep sigh, holding you tighter as you both lay there in silence for a little, holding you nice and tight as if afraid you would vanish from his hold.

Your hands slipped through his hair, de-tangling it as they worked their way through the deep brown barnet before he shifted,pulling you up to be face to face with him, the shadows of the room still making it hard to see his face at first as he gently put his forehead against yours, eyes closed as he held on.

"I was worried that I would loose you, (Y/N). When you fell I thought you were gone, you..sorry I'm getting upset again"

He spoke slow, slowly looking at you with tired blue eyes with a tint of grey to them, honestly looking pretty cool in the dark, keeping eye contact as your hands moved to play with his hair again, smiling at him to try and make him feel a little better.

You just stared at eachother for a moment, smiling at the oddly domestic and peacefull moment you were having dispite what had happened previously. The only thing that mattered at this moment was you, Bain and the room around you, able to listen to soft whirring of fans and the soft breaths you were both taking.

You were both here. Right in this room. Safe and sound. Nothing could hurt either of you here as you held close, basically intertwined as Bain carefully moved to get under the warm covers with you, pulling you closer to cuddle better  making you chuckle at his slightly cold skin.

"You're all cold, good thing I'm here to warm you up, huh?"

Your gentle teasing got a giggle from Bain, the man moving one of your hands to his lips, giving a small kiss as a dusting of pink painted his cheeks -  barely visable in the darkness of the room as monitors turned off from inactivity, making the room much darker as the main light source of the room went out.

"I should turn them back on..but it is pretty late so we can sleep. Probably should since I'm rambling"

You hummed, pulling him closer as you curled up a little.

"Sleep time, Bain. Its been a very long day and you need i-"

You where cut off by a gentle hum and a warmness on your cheek, processing what happened to realise the tired contractor had given you a gentle kiss before moving to take off his headset and get changed, it being too dark to see any of him as he seemingly slinked into the darkness of the room only to return in new clothes and climb back into bed next to you, giving you a very shy kiss on the lips which you returned.

"Right, sleep time Bain, and I mean it"

You teased, cuddling close as he wrapped his arms around you, relaxing in the warm embrace as you settled for sleep.

"Alright, Ill sleep...and (Y/N)? I love you"


Bain my beloved aaaaaa

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