Hoxton x Reader

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I should give a fellow brit some love tbf

Text in italics are flashbacks!


Jail wasn't nice, its conditions were terrible and the way some prisoners were treated hurt your heart; the beatings, the pushing, the fighting, the yelling, the punishments - you had only just felt like you were getting somewhere with rehabilitating some prisoners in the tightly knit prison when the break out happened, causing a huge riot that rippled throughout the prison, causing major attacks and fights against you and the guards in the prison as news spread about James 'Hoxton' Hoxworth escaping in broad daylight with the help of the Payday gang that he was in before his arrest.

Currently, you were standing before your boss who was in a vile mood, his teeth grit as he looked at how much trouble had been caused by the breakout and how their plan was somehow flawed to the point of Hoxworth escaping the prison's harsh clutches, turning to spit venom at you once again after gaslighting you to believing that this was partially your fault

''You hear me (L/N)?! You cant keep giving criminals 'time and patience'! The Payday gang already broke out one of their members who was under your care! What if other prisoners try to do the same?! There'll. Be. A. Riot!''

Your boss screamed, slamming files down in front of you with a vile sneer, staring into you like you were lowly scum before huffing and pulling - almost slinking away from you to begin roughly rubbing at his temples as he spoke in annoyance while vaguely motioning at the door of his office like you were an annoying secutary who made his coffee wrong.

''Just..just go home for now. I need to collect myself - deepest apologies for blowing up at you Mx. (L/N)''

You knew his words were untrue as you simply nodded and calmly left, walking down the stairs of the prison to walk back to your car. All while keeping up your façade of being perfectly content with the horrible behaviour of your boss as you moved to be sitting in your car with your head against the wheel while reflecting on the past for a little- letting your shoulders slump and your calm façade fade away into utter disappointment at your boss.

''Now, Mr. Hoxworth - how have you been? I've heard that those puzzles have helped you''

You said, watching the brit gently pitter paint on a mask he was making; similar to the ones he would have worn in the gang he was in, pausing to look up at you and give a rare smile.

''Yea, Thanks sunshine - its helpin' a lot, ya just seem to know which ones will fit me the best.''

You took a deep breath, slowly sitting up and starting to drive home, staring and letting out an internalised scream of frustration at the laughable line of traffic, taking a nice deep breath of air as you moved to rest your forehead against the steering wheel once again, watching the unmoving line as people seemed to be running your way, grabbing your attention as screaming and gunfire filled the distant and cold air of downtown DC.

You just stared before turning off and getting out of your car, looking up the street to see a familiar man in a mask walking towards your car with a bag on his shoulder, panicking at this realisation you threw yourself back into your car, trying to hide in the confined space under the driver's seat as if this futile attempt would work - your knees digging into your torso as you squeezed into a false safety.

"Hoxworth..good gods are you okay? Have you seen a medic?"

You worried over the prisoner, getting a wet rag to carefully clean the chemical burn on his face, the man cussing at you and hissing at the cold and wet cloth against his skin that tried to rub away the bleach, a medic close-by with some pain medication and new clothes for the prisoner to change into.

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