Dr. Bright X Emotionless! Reader

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requested by: xXSpiritwolf99Xx

sorry if this isn't what you wanted but it was the only idea i had!

TW: small mentions of trauma.


You had been this way all your life; 'emotionless' as people said. In reality however, you were just very skilled at being calm and quiet and...good, very, very good. At least, Thats what you thought. quiet was good. quiet would keep you safe from others. That idea was shattered however when you met him;

Doctor Jack Bright, a hardworking yet charismatic man who tends to be a little loose here and there.

Bright made work...nice in a way, something about him always caught your attention. whether it was his cheesy jokes, love for chaotic tendencies or his hard working undertones.

However it never made you Feel any different when he would flirt with you, not at first...then he started to grow on you; learning what words you liked and disliked and what made you feel nice.

Bright was going out his way so you felt something nice. It was new and you liked it; a buzzing in your stomach that only got more lively with each coo and compliment.

At first you were woried that you were sick however, Doctor Glass was very happy to hear about these positive emotions starting to form. He said it would take time to develop these emotions fully and understand them.

Bright said he would be there for you though, he was so kind to you and at times you didnt understand why he would be so nice to you, bringing you a coffee, helping you with a bit of paper work. He was a busy man himself so surely you should be doing this for him, right?

Today you were doing the last of your paper work before your lunch, half expecting to sit alone or with glass or bright if they were free for their lunch. Putting the contents of your papers in their propper files you stood up, telling your co-worker that you were going for lunch and waving them goodbye as you walked outside to head to the cafe.

Two hands papped suddenly on your shoulders, making you jump quite a bit only to see that it was a specific immortal scientist with a large grin.

"Good afternoon, Dr.Bright."

You greeted, turning to face him as his hands moved to his lab coat pockets once again to pull out a small pen and point it to you, a unconscious mannerism he had picked up from you.

"Hey (Y/N)! Going to get some lunch? I can take my lunch now and join you if you want?"

He asked, basically beeming happily. You didnt know how he did it, considering all hes been through and all hes done-

"Helloooooooo? Earth to (Y/N)? If you dont start paying attention ill start talkig about the scp po-"

You gently covered his mouth. Rather not listen to his ideas for SCP porn again. Seriously. Its not good for the soul.

"Its up to you bright and please do not talk to me about your....'plesantries' "

You muttered, feeling him lick your hand which made you recoil with a slight glare in his direction, his tounge poking out from his earlier action of 'nasty' nature.

"Can you refer from licking me? Im not a peice of candy."

Uh oh, that smirk told you that bright was about to say something stupid, that was only re-enforced by him patting your shoulder and leaning in.

"Of course not, (Y/N)! You're the full meal~"


As you and Bright sat down you looked at him...something seemed a bit off with him today and you wanted to know what was troubling your friend.

"Bright? are you feeling well?"

Your monotone question seemed harsher than it needed to be, you were still working on your tone but Bright just gave you a big smile, that tipped you off about him hiding something from you.

"Of course I am! I'm sitting next to the most beautiful person in the world!"

He beamed, taking a spoonful of cafeteria mash and eating it, pulling a face soon after as he played a bit with his food, mixing it with the vegetables and sauce to try and make it taste better.

"Let me guess, not the right temperature?"

Your question was met with a shake as bright stuck his tongue out a little, looking at you.

"No..this meal is missing something, oh! I know!"

He leaned forwards and gave a sudden peck to the lips, startling you at first as he pulled away, letting you process this action.

"It needed something sweet~"

Your face felt,,hot? It felt very hot and your heart was pounding and you didn't know what was happening, being grounded by the gentle hand on your arm from the kindly smiling mad man.

"(Y/N)? Will you go out with me?"

You swallowed thickly and gave a ghost of a smile, you felt a new emotion, it made your stomach feel fluttery and your heart sing as you nodded at the doctor.

Seems you really could find love

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