Sokol x Jacket x Reader (Pt.2)

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A requested part 2! I hope you all enjoy ^^

Tw for overall violence, blood and guns.

It had been a few months since you were taken in by Jacket and Sokol, having gotten used to all the other heisters and setting up a routine for yourself. This routine, however was thrown out the window the day you experienced your first ever safehouse raid - currently hiding in the kitchen as murkywater grunts looked for any heisters. Currently, to your misfortune, Jacket and Sokol were out on a heist leaving you to hide somewhere while the grunts looked high and low for loot. You were borderline praying for them to not find you as the van pulled up, catching their attention as they rushed off to attack the group that was returning from a heist, some staying around with an air of alertness that made you uneasy.

You knew your lovers were in that group and, despite knowing you were no good in a fight, looked for something to defend yourself with, picking up a metal meat tenderiser that was a lot heavier than it looked, looking at the guard in front of you and raising the weapon up you knocked the guard out. you felt your fear change to an odd numbness of adrenaline and worry, pulling the unconscious guard into the kitchen and turning off his torch as you looked through the dark halls to try and see where the others were, the hall lit up the flashes from pistols as you slowly slinked to the next guard who was turned from you, almost being blinded by their torch as they turned around, smacking them before they could shoot at you, knocking them out too as a injured Sokol through himself around the corner, his face twisting to one of shock as if he had seen a ghost as he moved to grab you, pulling you close as he looked at you, then the meat tenderiser and then the guard.

"(Y/N)? You aren't hurt are you? Look at Sokol-"

He cupped your face and looked you over, worried as hell for your safety as you just hugged him, the sound of gun fire having woken others who seemed to take care of the other guards as Sokol moved you into Jacket's room, sitting you down carefully as he went to go and get said male, you being left alone, the light of the room making you realise that your weapon and clothes were spotted in blood, moving to a mirror you looked at yourself, horrified by how much blood was actually on you from dragging the first guard, being lost in thought about what happened when a familiar whirr sounded.

"Are you okay? ... if any injuries are sustained it is best to seek medical treatment through a doctor or those qualified for first aid."

Jacket's hand softly rested on your shoulder as you looked at him, dropping your previous weapon and just clinging onto him you let out a whine - Jacket's free hand moving to pet your head as he tried to make you feel better from the stressful events of the day before moving to give you a gentle kiss, the recorder whirring away once again.

" Fear, A psychological response to a stressful or traumatic experience, usually caused when an individual feels if there is any threat of danger, pain, or harm."

As these words are sounded out, Jacket slowly rocks side to side with you, trying to get you to up-root from your spot and move to the bed where Sokol was waiting with a packet of wet wipes and some clean clothes. The russian moved to face you better, taking your hands to start cleaning them as he calmly spoke, having had time to process what happened himself

"Sokol says sit still, you are bloody...я люблю вас обоих так сильно." [1]

His voice is soft as he continued to clean you of blood, taking extra care while working for if you were hurt anywhere while Jacket continued to play with your hair, the whir of his tape recorder sounding off as it spoke for him.

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