Houston x reader

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There's not a lot of stuff out there for Houston so here's some stuff for y'all!

Tw for; drugs, swearing and violence!

This is based off the heist 'cook off' in payday 2 and will reference locations in that map!


"Muriaticcc aciiiid.."

You slurred to yourself, feeling woozy as you picked up the heavy jug again, arms hurting as you tried to pause them in a still place as you waited for Bain to confirm the ingredient, your head fuzzy and the shots outside sounding like a cloaker's static.

"(Y/N)? You should get some air, you've been in here for 23 minutes."

Houston said, climbing up the stairs and moving to put a hand on your shoulder, slowly pulling you to the balcony to sit you down in the fresh air, one hand on your shoulder as he sat you in a comfortable spot.

"Don't act dumb, okay? Working for too long in there could kill you."

He huffed, acting like a worried mother hen as he sat next to you, positioning you so you could have you mask off without your identity being shown to the cops who tried to storm the place.

"Thank youuu...you're so sweeeettt"

Your words slurred as the gas of the lab affected you, Houston patting your head as he checked for where the others were, keeping you distracted as he signals one of the others to take over the lab while you recovered.

"Ill have to move you downstairs for a bit, okay? Put your mask on for me, please"

You nodded, putting it on wonkily as he slowly helped you up- one arm around your waist and another holding your arm around his shoulders to keep you up, moving you to the downstairs of the house to sit you in the bathroom, leaning against the bathtub and using his hand to carefully feed you some desperately needed water to try and help you recover faster, you could see him mentally counting the time the others were in the lab for to ensure they don't end up like you had.

'Nooo...i don wan..'

You huffed out, trying to refuse the water only for Houston to softly tip the cool water into your mouth to feed you like you were a sick kid refusing medicine.

"Drink. You've spent 23 minutes and 34 seconds in that poison cloud and now you need to recover. Do you know how dangerous it is in there? Even Bain told you to take breaks to get air but you were being stubborn.."

He softly lectured, moving to collect more water in his hand to feed it to you, letting you rest a little after doing so, drying his hands and picking up his gun to keep guard of the small bathroom while you recovered.

"Keep awake for me, okay? We'll be going home soon, Ill make sure you get some prepper rest, who know what you can come down with.."

He whispered, softly adjusting your mask and hesitantly patting your head, trying to keep you conscious enough for the others to finish the last bag for Bain, a slight static spooking you as said contractor worriedly spoke in your ear piece.

'You okay there (Y/N)? Keep awake there's not much longer to wait, okay?'

You huffed, wonkily nodding as Houston moved back to you, leaning to give you more water which you now appreciated as one of the others started carrying the last bag to the van, the other one of your crew shouting at Houston to get you to the van...considering he called him a 'wanker' you assumed it was Hoxton, Houston huffing at him before drying his hands and fixing your mask.

"Pass me your hands, we gotta go, (Y/N)."

He said, slowly pulling you into a stand, one hand holding your waist and the other holding your hand to keep you up as he lead you out the house and to the van as quickly as he could, the others in the front to drive already as he helped you in the back and buckled you up, pulling the doors closed with one hand.

"Houuuston..my head hurtss"

You softly whined at him, the male taking your mask off fully to help release any pressure on your head as he smiled, sitting with you as the van started to move, one hand patting your head a little.

"You'll be okay. We'll get back and you can take a nap, okay? Ill even see if we can get the TV from Sydney or Jacket for a bit."

He comforted, softly massaging your scalp with one hand as he sat close, twitch shouting about the roads again as you leaned more against Houston, seeking the comforting warmth the taller male gave, almost lulling off at the rhythmic head massages only for a road bump to wake you, making you tiredly whine at the disruption, someone speaking to Houston.

"Are you sure they're okay? They've been groaning like they were shot or something."

Houston checked you over, making you whine from movement again as you cuddled him, wrapping your arms around his and cuddling him.

"sleep time,, head hurt."

As you said this, you couldn't see the deep red that Houston had went, Hoxton laughing at him as the man went from his milky white appearance to a stunning red at your cuddling and almost childish words, the man taking his mask off as if too warm and clearing his throat.

"u-uh yeah.. you just do that"

Even his voice sounded flustered, seeing as he tended to get overlooked by some this sudden affection made his heart pound against his chest, looking away to try and collect himself as You cuddled closer to his arm - Cheek against the soft fabric of his suit as he seemed to overheat at the affection, stammering and stumbling over his words every time he tried to shout at Hoxton for mocking his flustered expression.

You don't know what happened the rest of the trip back to the safe house, having fallen asleep on Houston on the way back but did wake up tucked into your own bed, a medical kit on your nightstand and a sleeping Houston in a chair next to your bed, a faint rosiness to his face as one of his still gloved hands held one of yours, making a smile come to your face as you quietly spoke to him, voice filled with affection for your close friend.

"Thank you, Houston."


HOUSTON LOVERS COME GET Y'ALL JUICE /j seriously tho this man needs a hug asap, hope i did him justice.

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