Tazer x Reader

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I think yall can tell i like the payday boys lol


"No, Ma'am, the ISA cannot be used by you as it is your son's."

You plainly said to the woman before you, the woman about to shout at you when a group came into the bank you worked at, all wearing masks as one spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you are being robbed, get on the floor and refrain from panicking, your money is insured by the government!"

You paled, slamming the panic button and crouching down to hide under your desk, hearing them start to drill open the vault as people wailed and cried in terror, it felt like hours before the police arrived, shots flying through the air as someone started to pick the lock of the door your counter was at.

Your heart was pounding, curling up in a ball as a masked man trudged in, taking loose money From behind the counter and glanced at you, raising a finger to their lips as a 'shh' as they walked back to the vault, leaving you alone as they robbed the place.

You got up and moved to try and run, opening the other door to come face-to-face with a masked man in yellow and blue, letting out a terrified scream as he grabbed you.

"Hey, Hey, I'm with the police, its alright"

You shook, letting out a sob as the man in blue carefully got you out of the building with some others, picking up a weird gun and aiming it at one of the heisters, pushing you behind him carefully.

"Fully charged!"

He fired it, electrocuting the heister who screamed out in a slightly pained shock, wildly firing their gun as they were effected,two bullets hitting the man protecting you who cursed, slowly moving with you to safety, watching you cling to his arm with a barely visible cocky smirk.

"Don't worry! I, The Elite Tazer, will ensure you are safe! Don't worry about that pathetic heister!"

He boasted, scooping you up to sit you on the back end of an ambulance, taking off his vest to get it repaired, lifting his visor up to show stubble and deep brown eyes with a nice jaw.

"Are..are you okay? They shot you.."

You asked, still a little stunned by whats happened so far but still worried about the boastful man.

"Of course I am! It takes more than one measly bullet to put down The Elite Tazer!"

You sighed, mainly due to how cocky he was but he just thought it was of releif as he sat next to you, grinning brightly at you.

"Now, Now, No need to thank me! Its all in a days work!"

Oh now you were getting annoyed, shaking your head.

"What about the other hostages?"

You asked, the Tazer doing a double take as he looked at you, thinking of something.

"Well,, I, the Elite Tazer has to make sure the person who sounded the Alarm is safe for questioning!"

You just let go of the protest you had, A medic coming to check you over, the Tazer puffing up a little as the medic worked,pulling you over when able to.

"Tazer I have to check them for wounds.."

He huffed, holding you close as he spoke.

"Yes but they need to relax first, its been a hard day"

It was a bullshit excuse but you brushed it off as the Tazer absentmindedly massaged your scalp, giving a slight glare to the medic.

"Just relax, I'll keep you safe."

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