Among us imposter! X Crewmate! Reader (blue and orange)

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for the sake of this one-shot ill make you Orange and Imposter Blue. if you don't like the colours feel free to change them! p.s this is on the Polus map- PPS- thank you to my friend 'Big Guy' for helping me with grammar on this 

8 crewmates, 2 imposters. Thats what you were all told was happening. but right now, it felt like anyone could be one. Especially after Yellow did a double-take too close to you when you were doing a task in electrical. Currently you were on cam watch, switching around the map with Blue lounging in the chair next to you.

"What tasks do you still have, Orange? Didn't you say something about the med bay?"

Ah, the med bay, to you it was the scariest place here especially the scanner. It was like you were trapped with no place to run. So you always left it to last on purpose, no matter how long your other tasks were or how annoying they were you would refuse to do it straight away. You were pulled back into focus by Blue gently tapping your shoulder, head tilted in worry as you had frozen in place at the mention of the Med bay task.

"Earth to Orange...(Y/N)? Did you see something on cams? helloooo?"

You shook your head, looking at him to speak only for an alarm to sound and the voice of Pink had came over the speakers, setting in the horror of another body being found and letting you all know that you were now down to 6 crewmates...


Blue looked shocked at the message but...there was something off about how he still looked relaxed. It didn't last long though as he hopped up and grabbed your hand, barely giving you any time to talk to him about your fear of med bay as he started to drag you to the meeting point to find out what had happened to the two crew mates.

A blur of faces and voices ensued as people were blaming each other, Red and Brown blaming you for letting them die while pink, yellow, white and green questioned white who hadn't reported the body he was just next to. You were ready to snap at Red with how harsh he was being to you, especially when he claimed you could be the imposter, only for Pink to shoot down the idea as she, Green and Brown all saw you do a visual task. in the end White was voted out but, she wasn't the imposter, leaving you with 5 crewmates and 2 imposters one double kill away and a miss vote would doom you all so a buddy system was put in place; Blue with you, Brown with Red and Pink with yellow and green.

You took the time after the discussion to gently tug Blue aside to talk to him,  his head tilted as you took off your helmet to rub your eyes a little. It was stressful already having a med bay task but now a double murder and Red convinced you were an imposter was bringing you to your limit and you just wanted a break from it all. A slightly shaky sigh came from you as you looked up at Blue.

"Blue..? Can you tell me your name? Like...your name, name? I just feel like I cant tell you this without calling you by your name and I really don't think its right for me to take that humanity away from you by calling you by the colour of your suit..."

Before you could start rambling on Blue softly put a finger up to quiet you for a moment, softly patting your shoulder in a attempt to calm you from your growing distress. He obviously understood how stressful this was for you and wanted to be there for you despite only knowing each other for around 2 days.

" Well I guess its unfair that I know your name but you don't know mine, huh (Y/N)? My name is Luke. Nothing too amazing now, is it?"

He joked, gently ruffling your hair with one of his hands. Honestly his name was nice, short and simple so it was easy to pick up and remember. You decided it would be best to repeat his name to him but when you did you saw his demeanour change a little, he honestly looked... flustered?

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