Jacket x Sokol x Reader

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Poly time baybe! Come get y'all juice bc its two of the lovable morons.


Your day had been going 'great' absolutely wonderful even! First it started with you smashing your favourite cup, then you got coffee on your shirt and had to change, then you got rear-ended by another driver on the way to work then you had to deal with asshole customers who thought they could push you around and scream at you and now? Now your work was being fucking robbed.

By no other than the god damned payday gang too! You just wanted to scream at all the frustration but here you were, on the floor as a masked man instructed you to stay still.

"Sokol says new game - play worm."

The man said, moving to shout at others to lay on the floor while another man in a chicken mask worked on the drill to the vault, going to use his odd tape recorder only to drop it when he was pushed by a cop, causing a scuffle between them, the man in the chicken mask shooting the cop dead and patting himself down, unable to find his recorder.

"Jacket! On me!"

The 'Sokol' from earlier shouted, having found another safe to open, pausing as he realised this 'Jacket' wasn't replying. Even in your own curiosity you looked for the recorder, seeing it had slid under the drill you carefully moved under the hot drill to get it for them, freezing as a gun pressed against the back of your head.

"I'm getting the recorder for you, sir"

You dont know how you kept calm, feeling the gun ease away as you pulled out the recorder, Jacket crouching down to take it from your hand, pulling you into the office next to the drill while giving a head pat.

'Thank you...your prize is living.'

The machine whirred out for him as he moved to zip-tie your hands infrount of you,easing you onto the floor with a little more care since you helped him.

Two more masked individuals worked on the drill as Sokol pulled jacket aside to talk, seemingly asking if he was okay and being told what had happened, Sokol coming back over to move you to your manager's office where a second, smaller drill was whirring away - Sokol looking at vents for some reason as he sat you next to the desk.

"Sokol says stay still, will come back for later"

You just say there, watching them transport bag after bag of loot before Jacket walked into the office, scooping you up and throwing you over his shoulder like you were loot too, walking with you to a van before throwing you into the back as he climbed in, clicking the recorder again.

'A job well done'

It chimed, the other two heisters shook their heads, Sokol shrugging from what you could see.

"Jacket you can't just take people, the cops will be looking for her."

Jacket, seemingly like a broody hen, huffed at them, somewhat 'nesting' you in the bags while the van drove, the whole thing feeling like a fever dream as you kept silent, staring at your hands.

'A prize - something that is of achievement or high status in material or sportsmanship, usually as a trophy or luxury item'

The machine whirred again, a rough hand petting your hair as you sat deathly silent in the van, not knowing whether to scream or cry from all the stress, the movement of the van hiding your shaking quite well, the soft head pats and massages making you feel slightly better too as one of the other heisters sighed.

"First we kidnap matt and now some random bairn, poor thing must he havin a heart attack"

They said, you not daring to look up on your own as Jacket moved your face to look at him, his eyes dull yet slightly amused inside the mask as he gave a small head pat to comfort you more.

'A prize'

The machine repeated, Jacket bringing your head to his lap to try and relax you to sleep as Sokol spoke.

"How are we going to keep her? Not many beds left."

Jacket seemed to think before shrugging, holding hands with Sokol as he massaged your scalp, the van slowing down to a stop.

'We have arrived'

He announced, putting his bomber jacket over your head to ensure you didn't see anyone as bags were moved, you eventually being pulled somewhere and sat on something soft and left for a moment, stewing in your own anxiety until the jacket was removed from your head.

A ginger man pulling it onto his own body as he crouched down to inspect you more, a faint smile on his face as he took off the zip tie and made a sign to stay still as he went to get something or someone from another room, leaving you to look around the 80's inspired room curiously.

"Da, Da, Sokol coming. What do you need, Jacket?"

He watched as Jacket happily thrust his arms out at you as if he was showing off a prize, very happy with what he had as the other shook their head, giving a kiss on the happier man's cheek before moving to inspect you closer, one gloved hand moving your chin to face them.

"Now...what to do with the маленький приз? Should we unwrap them?"


Translation; 'Little Prize' 

i hope yall enjoyed this ^^

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