Dad! Wolf + reader (pt.1)

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nobody mentions that this dude had a whole ass family before he left :(

Anyways, take this angst / fluff with some dashes of WolfHox.

You sighed, looking out the window of the train, a glass of whisky in your hand, the strong taste helping you hold back tears of your memories. 

memories of the cold streets, the poverty, the failing business of your poor father, the vanishing of the man you looked up to.

11 years. 

11 years of your life you wondered where he was, 11 years your mother was struggling to make ends meet for you and your siblings. You were 12 at the time and the anger of your inner child and teen still stuck with you to this day.  However, you had grown to be a very respectable student - working on becoming a psychologist to get good money in for your family.

After all, you did pick up your father's Working drive. Yet, that didn't matter right now, what mattered was you finally found him, nestled in a small part of D.C and you were a little scared. You were no longer the little kid he knew and who knew how he was mentally after loosing his business and - technically - his family.

'Focus, (Y/N), Bringing stress to him could affect him as well, we need to be calm to meet him...hopefully he remembers us'

Your thoughts stilled as you took a breath, clearing your mind as the train slowed at another stop, your associate coming to sit with you, A man in a freshly cleaned suit, hair tied up and a burn on his face, giving you a smile as he placed his briefcase on the table, making the honey coloured liquid in your glass dance.

"(Y/N), right? I'm James, James Hoxworth. You can just call me Hox though, Your father does."

The brit said, leaning to shake your hand softly, You giving a smile back to him as you did so, You knew it was dangerous meeting him so publicly. He was a criminal after all but, you couldn't help but want to see him after all these years. You were lucky you were allowed to even see his friends.

"(Y/N), lad / lass you're zoning out."

You shook your head, getting embarrassed as Hox chuckled at you, patting your shoulder a little before speaking again, seemingly happy to have you meet your dad as you sipped at your drink once again.

"You'll be fine, Wolf wont admit it but he does think of you guys a lot. Plus ill make sure ya safe, Wolf's a close friend and I don't think either of us want him to blame himself for things out of his hands." 

You and Hox spoke for the rest of the train ride,before you got off at a sketchy stop on a darkened and isolated street. The brit leading you into what seemed like a small yet empty cafe, a familiar face inside - holding a cup while staring into space.

It felt like it was just yesterday when you last saw him, still had the same sullen look and stubble - gripping his cup as you got ready to go in and see him, putting a warm and comforting smile on your face as Hox went in first, Speaking to your father to tell him you had arrived, the man perking up a bit, his eyes darting at Hoxton then to the door that you were about to come through.

11 years ago, he left and now? Now you were finally going to see him again - standing in a formal outfit outside a sketchy cafe with a slight shake from nerves, taking a deep breath as you dusted off your vest and walked in.

'Here goes nothing'

You thought, making eye contact with the man who quickly stood and walked over, abandoning his cup of drink and reaching out to you, accent still as thick as you remember as he looked you over - voice cracking as it seemed to set in that you were all grown up now.

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