Dozer x Reader

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I love writing these aaa!!))


You huffed, Raising your gun to shoot at the Heister before you, looking through your scope to take a shot when a round slammed into your vest, throwing you backwards but not doing much injury.

However, the fall from your post was to be deadly if you weren't caught,pulled tight against a kevlar chest as a voice rang out, putting you behind the thick green fabric.

"You're up against the wall AND I AM THE FUCKING WALL!"

He shouted, charging to go and fight the Heisters who jumped into the van and swerved off, leaving the Dozer fuming as he turned around to pick you up, holding you tight.

"You alright, Sniper?"

You nodded, still shocked from the adrenaline of falling, not realising how tight your grip was on his kevlar, a big hand patting your back a little as a familiar deep voice spoke.

"You aint, here, lets get you a shock blanket, that was a pretty big fall"

He said, easing your pained fingers off of the rough fabric to lead you towards a medic's station, getting a warm drink and a slightly foil-y blanket, trying to wait out the quiet panic as your Dozer friend stood close by.

"Ill wait here with ya,your favorite Elite Dozer will make sure ya safe, okay?"

He said, patting your head a little as cops talked amongst themselves, your shoulders easing as you looked up at him.

"Thank you, That fall could of killed me"

He huffed, shaking his head softly as he comforted you.

"Any Elite wouldn't let you die,dumbass..actually, let me take you somewhere quieter"

He said, picking you up again and wrapping you up tight as he walked through a group of SWAT.

"Bulldozer, coming through!"

He shouted, walking to a quieter area, sitting you in your lap, one hand petting your head a little as he huffed.


You nodded, thankful of the Dozer's kindness towards you as a Medic rushed over to check for any injuries, treating and wrapping what they could find.

"Much better, thank you Dozer."

You said, relaxing in his hold as he moved his visor a little to see you better, huffing at the head of the suit along with what you could imagine to be a hefty weight of both the suit, you and the medic shuffling and moving your body weight on the Dozer's lap.

"You rest up,Ill be right here when you wake up...or being a wall again, who knows"

He joked, patting your head as you relaxed against him more, slowly dozing off into a dreamless sleep.

When you woke up, you found yourself in a medical bed, looking to your side you saw the elite dozer, asleep in the chair whilst still in full armour- one of his hands outstretched to gently hold one of your own as he snored away.

"...Thank you, Dozer"

You said, giving his gloved hand a small kiss to which he let out a small snort, relaxing back into sleep once again as you slowly got up, removing his helmet and placing your pillow behind his head to cushion his head as he rested, deciding to stretch and go get yourself some water only to let out a small yelp when the dozer pulled you close, almost like a teddy bear as he slept.

You had to admit, it was adorable yet knew that you were thirsty as hell and needed some water to drink and sadly, you weren't going anywhere being cuddled like this so you gently shook his shoulder the best you could with his tight grip and heavy armour.


You asked, tired and praying that the wall of a man would awaken before he accidently crushed you with cuddles.

He hummed, slowly opening an eye to look at you, his eye a foggy green as he woke, seemingly unhappy to be woken up from his nap. As he realised that you were in his arms his eyes shot open, revealing his pretty cool hetrochromia as he let you go.

" should still be in bed, dumbass.."

He huffed, putting you back into the bed as he stood up and kept 'guard' if you so you wouldn't get out of bed again, your adventure to get water stopped as he tucked you into the bed before moving to kiss your forehead.

"I'll be right here, get some sleep."

(I didnt know how to finish this im sorry ;_;)

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