Chapter 6

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Note - Arjun's infancy and childhood portion (in Shatashringa ) is not mentioned in BORI or other versions of Mahabharat till they reach Hastinapur. So few of the chapters will be entirely fictional, how I feel his early stages of life were. Thank you.

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Little Arjuna latched on her mother's bosom drinking milk, bringing tears to her orbs. Standing true to every word he was Matrunandana, the delighter of a mother's heart. Kunti's eyes struck her child. He had hazel hues residing in his eyes, a burnished copper that captures the world. The nose was sharp while his tiny lips were of a lotus silhouette. He had dark skin, which surprised her as no one in their family possessed that colour. Her elder sons were of golden complexion mimicking the sun while this little one was like a dark thunder. Her thought process was broken by a little eructation coming from her child but she made him again latch to her bosom. Call it a mother instinct, she knew her child was still hungry while she took pleasure in that feeling again.

Her hand grazed his hair. The curls she felt during his birth had started to grow. She sighed. It's going to be a lot of work when they grow more. They were intense. It wouldn't be long before her hand will be covered with a mist of intense mist shadows.

Her thoughts then wandered to his birth, the talks she heard by the sages. The flowers that were drizzled by the sky. It was not a one-day affair. People still come to her to gaze at him. From the young girls to the older women glancing at him in awe, their eyes sticking to his face. She chuckled when she remembered her husband saying that " This little one is gaining attention from the ladies in childhood itself ".

Well, she couldn't disagree. She had womenfolk coming to her asking about holding him up. She could only imagine what would happen when he grows up. Well, she hoped someone doesn't kidnap him though, demanding his attention. She snickered at the thought. Well, that wouldn't happen. Right.

" Well, there could be only one person, who could compete with him in this department?" She remembered an elderly woman saying this while gazing at Arjuna. Her crinkled hand patted his forehead. While her experienced eyes could predict his life. She was dressed in the simplest clothes while having a small smile gracing her wrinkled face. Her name was Padma.

" She must be extremely beautiful in her younger ages, " Kunti thought at that time.

Unable to bear the brunt of curiosity, she asked the older woman immediately," Who? "

" Krishna " The woman answered back.

" They are quite similar " She added while her eyes drifted to Arjun's face. She then gazed at Kunti's face whose face was moulded in confusion.

" He is also dark-skinned and has curly hair. It is said that his birth was divine and was celebrated amongst God and Goddesses and the people among the masses. He is the son of Nanda and Yashoda but is said to be the eighth son of Vasudev and Devaki. " Padma smiled while remembering the divine being.

Kunti couldn't disagree. She had heard whispers behind her. The sages huddled together and talked about it.  " Eternal twins " They whispered.

But her mind was stuck on a particular name, " Vasudev " She whimpered. He was her brother, a brother she never saw. She was gifted away to Kuntibhoja at the time of her birth as a solitude of friendship. It was not like her adoptive parents didn't love her, they did. But growing up in a foster care home with adoptive parents, well she needed to fulfil some of the expectations. She wasn't abandoned but yes she was surely gifted away. Her eyes welled up.  Nevertheless, she has immense respect for everyone, no matter how she felt about this particular ordeal.

"Was Krishna the son of her brother? " the thought lingered on her mind.  She then looked at her son, her eyes still welled up, " Are you two connected?" She thought. To which little Arjuna gave her a watery smile.

" His life won't be easy, you know " Kunti heard. She lifted her eyelashes and transferred her gaze from Arjuna to Padma. Padma's gaze was fixed on Arjuna, sadness lingering on her face
while she thought about the ordeals this little one has to face. Kunti's heartbeat raised in an uproar.

" Why? " She couldn't help but interrogate, incompetent to hide her worry.

" We all have heard what the invisible voice has said. The things he will do in the future will bring fame and fortune, not only for him but for others too. He will fight with several people not for himself but for the benefit of others. Prioritizing others will be his destiny. This son of yours will never be a king Devi Kunti, that is not his destiny. But without him, there will never be a kingdom as greater as the heavens. See him only as an action Devi, not someone who will bear the fruits of his action. Sometimes the people who are born for the greater good of the mankind are the most aloof themselves. In order to provide others they lose their everything. "

Padma's hand grazed his hair, " For the greater good, my child !  For the greater good ". A teardrop fell from her eyes while her voice choked.

Listening to her Kunti felt her heart burst into sadness. Her cold hands slumped at her sides. While she glanced at Padma.

" Don't curse him, Mata?" She said

" Sometimes truth is even bitter than a curse, Devi " she mumbled.

A cry broke down her reverie to her past lane.  A tearful Kunti gazed at her son who just finished having milk. A mother's heart was unable to comprehend the words spoken to her regarding her child. She couldn't help but kiss all over Arjuna's face while hiding him in the cocoon of her warmth.

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