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(Warning:- Mention of deadly diseases and death)


On a pleasant morning, a twenty-two-year-old boy with Bambi eyes and milky skin stood nervously in front of the imposing office room of a multi-billion company. The morning sun cast a gentle glow on his face, highlighting his innocence and determination. Dressed in a formal wear, he exuded a mix of anticipation and anxiety as he awaited his interview. Every breath he took felt filled with hope and uncertainty, wondering if this could be the opportunity that would shape his future. As he glanced at his reflection in the glass doors, his eyes sparkled with dreams of a better life and a desire to make his messed up life a little bit better. With every passing minute, his heart beat faster, echoing his fervent prayers for a chance to come out from the miserable life he is going through.

The boy's heart was thumping against his chest like thunder. The tapping of his foot was audible, revealing his nervousness. His eyes darted anxiously, scanning the surroundings, while his mind was consumed by a train of thoughts. Thoughts about his brother, his sole family member, and the loss of his parents overwhelmed him. Memories of the hardships he had endured in his life resurfaced, weighing heavily on his spirit. More than twenty individuals were waiting to be interviewed for the position of the CEO's secretary, each appearing more experienced and polished than him. Amidst the crowd, he could only sit there, his anticipation mounting as he contemplated what his future might hold. He knew he had to secure this job at all costs, or he would be forced to choose an alternative path, a decision his brother had discouraged him from making.

To escape from all the miseries, he needed this job desperately—a well-paid job, to be precise. The alternative, suicide, loomed as a dark temptation to fly away from all miseries and responsibilities, but he knew deep down it would only label him a coward. Instead, he clung to hope, yearning for something to transform his dreary, colorless existence. Thoughts raced through his mind, like children playing in a playground, while a short, blonde man called out his name.

"Jeon Jungkook you may enter now..."

Jungkook rose from his seat, offering a slight bow to the blonde man, before positioning himself in front of the door. As he closed his eyes for a fleeting moment, a flurry of thoughts raced through his mind like a flash. His brother, Yeonjun, currently battling cancer in its initial stages, required immediate surgery and chemotherapy. The weight of shouldering household bills, including electricity and water expenses, burdened him greatly. Despite struggling through two part-time jobs alongside his college studies, now he just graduated before one month, he barely managed to scrape together enough money for basic necessities like food and his brother's basic hospital needs. Adding to his troubles, their family home lay in the clutches of loan sharks due to the funds their father had borrowed for their mother's treatment. Tragically, their mother had succumbed to a tumor, and their father had been involved in an accident just a month after her passing.

Having lost his family a year ago, the weight of all responsibilities, debts, and his brother's medical treatment fell solely on his shoulders. It was his brother who encouraged him to interview at Kim Enterprise, despite it being a renowned company with highly skilled and experienced employees. However, he lacked any prior experience himself. Despite graduating with excellent marks from college, he had faced rejection from smaller companies, some due to his poor background and lack of experience, and he rejected others because of they are sexually attracted to him with inappropriate intentions. Taking a deep breath, he mustered the courage to ask, "May I come in?" in a broken yet soft melodic voice. Upon hearing a faint yet deep reply, he stepped into the cabin, filled with countless twinkling hopes, ready to seize any opportunity that lay ahead. If he didn't get the opportunity now, he would have to consider taking the nasty steps he had previously rejected due to his self-respect. His troubled situation was pushing him towards such thoughts, even though they went against his principles. All he wanted was to save his brother; nothing else mattered in the way now.

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