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Jungkook was sleeping peacefully on Taehyung's lap when suddenly he bolted up and ran in a certain direction, startling the CEO. Taehyung quickly followed him to the washroom, only to find Jungkook kneeling over the toilet bowl, Vomiting.

Taehyung's heart clenched with worry as he rushed to Jungkook's side, gently rubbing his back as he vomited. After a few minutes, Jungkook finished emptying his stomach, even though he hadn't eaten breakfast that morning.

Taehyung helped Jungkook stand up, flushing the toilet and helping him wash his mouth and face. Exhausted, Jungkook leaned back against Taehyung's chest for support, while Taehyung continued to comfort him, one hand supporting him and the other hand busy cleaning him up.

"Are you okay, angel?" Taehyung asked, concern evident in his voice. Jungkook simply nodded, too tired to speak. He closed his eyes, feeling dizzy.

"Are you sure? Did I hurt you anywhere earlier, angel? Tell me, don't hide anything," Taehyung urged, panicked. He cursed himself for being too rough with Jungkook and punishing the boy. It hadn't been long since the younger had gone through a horrific incident, and Taehyung regretted not being more careful. His dominant side had surfaced unintentionally, and now he was filled with guilt.

Taehyung proceeded to bring the boy to the couch so that Jungkook could have some water and rest. He also made a mental note to call a certain doctor named Park Seo Jun for a good scolding, because the doctor had said the boy's condition was perfect. He should have his medical license revoked for misdiagnosing his angel's illness.

"No, hyungie... I didn't have any breakfast this morning. Maybe because of the empty stomach, I threw up," Jungkook explained weakly, his voice barely above a whisper. He leaned back on the couch, his head resting on Taehyung's shoulder, hands clutching his hyung's hand tightly. His eyes remained closed as the room spun around him.

"I will bring the lukewarm water. Lay on the couch," Taehyung instructed gently, carefully helping Jungkook settle onto the sofa before heading to heat the kettle. With swift efficiency, he prepared the water and returned to Jungkook's side, offering the glass and assisting him to drink.

"Should I call the doctor?" Taehyung asked, positioning Jungkook's head on his lap and gently caressing it.

"No, I'm okay now," Jungkook insisted weakly, but Taehyung remained unconvinced.

"Why did you skip breakfast, Kook? You know it's not good to avoid breakfast, right? It's not healthy to skip it," Taehyung scolded softly, concern evident in his voice.

"But I didn't feel like eating anything," Jungkook pouted adorably.

"I'm ordering some healthy food for you. You should eat something. Your stomach is really empty now, and you'll feel weak if you don't eat," Taehyung insisted, immediately placing an order for a nutritious meal for Jungkook.

They both rested on the couch until the food arrived twenty minutes later, and Taehyung began to feed the exhausted boy.

"I'm full, hyung," Jungkook whined after only taking a few bites.

"You should eat more, angel. You only took two bites," Taehyung persisted, urging the boy to eat.

The door of the CEO's cabin opened, and the chairman of the company walked in, looking for his brother for some business matter. However, he was met with the cute sight of Taehyung persisting Jungkook to eat more while the younger one whined in response.

"What is happ..." Seokjin couldn't complete his words as Jungkook rushed back into the washroom to throw up the food he had just consumed. Taehyung followed him, offering soothing words and comfort.

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