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Sorry for the delay; I haven't been feeling well lately. Love you guys for being patient 🥹💜💞.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun arrived within the hour after receiving a call from their friends. They explained their situation over the phone, ensuring their friends understood the intensity of the problem. In addition, they brought along the country's best hacker to help track the phone call from the anonymous kidnapper.

They were all seated in the hall of the Kim mansion.

"So, they called demanding documents of your company, correct?" Chanyeol asked calmly. Taehyung simply nodded in response.

"Could you please show me the number?" Baekhyun leaned forward from his seat toward Taehyung.

"There wasn't any number; it just showed 'private number' on the screen," Taehyung explained. His hyungs, Soobin and Yeonjun, were nearby, listening to the conversation between the cops and him.

"Sam, can you trace a private number?" Baekhyun inquired, turning to the hacker who had joined them.

"I'll try, but to do that, I'll need to connect Mr. Kim's phone to my system. Private numbers don't reveal the contact easily," Sam informed them.

"Take my phone," Taehyung's voice was hoarse and scratchy. He unlocked his phone, displaying a cute bunny as his wallpaper. His eyes watered as he saw the picture: a cute bunny with another bunny plushie, his bunny tooth poking through his lips while smiling.

He handed his phone to the hacker, who immediately started his job.

As the hacker worked, the others began discussing possible enemies Taehyung might have. However, in the business field, rivals and enemies were common, making it difficult to pinpoint who might be behind the kidnapping.

"Please find my brother." A small voice echoed faintly through the hall, drawing everyone's attention to the boy whose eyes were red from constant crying.

Soobin's hand tightened on Yeonjun's upon hearing his lover's vulnerable voice. Taehyung sighed and got up from his seat, moving to sit next to Yeonjun, with Soobin on his other side.

Taehyung gently took Yeonjun's other hand and caressed it.

"Yeonjunah... I'm sorry I couldn't protect your brother. But I'm giving you my word—I will bring back your brother. Even if they hide him in another universe, even if it takes my life, I will bring him back for sure," Taehyung said, his determination evident. Yeonjun started crying even more, causing everyone in the room's eyes to water.

"Yeonie... please stop crying; it's not good for your health," Soobin said, gently urging the younger one to calm down. Suddenly, everyone remembered that Yeonjun couldn't handle too much stress, as it would adversely affect his health. With his condition, high blood pressure could worsen his situation.

Taehyung embraced the boy, keeping his head on his chest and patting him gently. Taehyung was also vulnerable, unable to find the words to soothe the boy.

Jimin crouched in front of Yeonjun, placing his hands on the younger one's knee.

"Yeonjun, please don't cry anymore, baby. Your brother will come back soon. We will bring him back. But when he returns and sees you in this condition, he will feel bad, right? So, don't ruin your health, okay? We will hope for the best, that we will find our brother... we will find our brother soon," Jimin assured the younger one, his voice soft and comforting.

"Yes, Yeonjun. Jungkook is like a brother to us—no, not like, he is our brother. So we all want him back safe and sound. Be strong, okay?" Jin said, his voice filled with sincerity and support.

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