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All His Angels

Tyra picked apart her bread from inside her cell, flickering her eyes up to see green ones watching her intently. "Do you have nothing better to do?" It got a bit unnerving him just sat there, not speaking. Perhaps he was waiting for her to say something incriminating, surely he. would waste no time in telling his brother which resulted in her death. There could be no other reason the Prince would willingly sit on the dirty floor outside her cell. "No Saxon women to stick your cock into, hmm?"

Cedric rolled his eyes not at all shocked at her language. She had been here for a few weeks now, days since he spoke to her over dinner. The Prince of Wessex had begun to get used to her swearing like a sailor, in fact, he had grown accustomed to it. The Viking woman in front of him treated him like anyone else, perhaps even lower, he liked the simplicity of it all. She was no woman of court trying to win his affections and hopefully a place in the Royal family, just a girl who thought he was a complete git. "Unfortunately not, I don't sleep with women."

Tyra cocked a brow and tilted her head up, "Men then?"

"No!" The Prince seemed appalled by her accusation and realised how it sounded coming from his mouth. "No, it's just..." He took a deep breath to calm himself, thankful that the two guards always stationed by the entrance couldn't understand what they were saying. Upon her inquisitive face he elaborated. "When sleeping with a women all they would need to do is fall pregnant claiming that the child is mine, they then have a claim to the throne. I would not dishonour my father's legacy by having a bastard child."

He didn't know why he was telling her this, perhaps it was so he could speak to someone who would actually listen. After all, she didn't have much choice locked behind bars with her off brother playing chess somewhere.

It would be so complicated if he had a child, not to mention he wasn't ready to be a father. Besides, he wasn't first in line to the throne, that burden fell to his elder brother and there was no hurry for him to have children. Not to mention the dishonour of it all and whilst Cedric had never felt particularly close to God, he followed the law of God and would wait for his wife. Whoever she may be.

"You're so full of shit. Maybe the child wouldn't want a bastard of a father." Tyra hummed. In her opinion, he had a stick shoved so far up his arse she wondered if he could taste his own shit. It was not uncommon to have a child out of wedlock in Norway, the blonde didn't give a shit whether the parents were married so long as the child had someone to take care of it.

He gave her truth and this is what she chose to say? He should've know. Cedric pointed at her, "You have such a foul mouth."

"Ah yes, because Christian women do not swear," her eyes rolled again, something that was becoming a habit as of late. "Your God is a buzzkill." Tyra muttered and flung the bread at him gently but it bounced back hitting the bars, only a few crumbs having gone through.

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