Chapter 3

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I am woken up by Leonardo screaming in my ear. Out of reflex, I slap him in the face & he stares at me, flabbergasted. He holds his cheek with wide eyes. I look around & notice that Apollo isn't in bed.

"Sorry. Actually no, I'm not sorry. Why would you scream in my ear?!" I say, getting up & walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Leonardo follows me & leans against the bathroom door frame, still holding his cheek.

"You slapped me?!" It was more of a question. I nod, unbothered. My left ear is ringing like hell. I grab my tooth brush & toothpaste, squirting some on the brush. I wet it & begin brushing my teeth.

Leo walks over to me & stands next to me, watching me carefully. As I'm brushing my tongue, he pushes the brush to the back of my throat making me gag. I begin coughing & I hold onto the sink, coughing my life away. He laughs, slapping his knee.

This idiotic fuck.

"Leo, don't be surprised when I hit you with a pot!" I yell & he runs off.

Fucking child I swear.


"She slapped me!" Leo tells Milo & he shakes his head.

"You screamed in my ear & pushed my tooth brush to the back of my throat making me gag." I retort back & Leo flicks me off, I do the same.

"You have a gag reflex? Too bad. I'll have to fix that for you." I glare at Apollo & he chuckles, taking a sip out of his cranberry juice.

"Ew." Leo shakes his head & Milo laughs. We all turn our heads towards Milo's direction & we stare at him. I've never heard him laugh before, he only smiles or chuckles.

"What? Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I'm depressed." I snort at his remark.

"I haven't heard you laugh in a long time." Leo says & Apollo nods in agreement.

"I was never given a reason to laugh." He shrugs & takes a bite out of his waffle. Apollo cooked breakfast for us this morning & I'm eating like I've been starved for weeks.

"Milo & Leonardo will be training you today, so slow down princessa." I stop & stare at him with a 'what the fuck' expression.

"Training? Like working out?" He nods.

"I don't workout sorry." I shrug & Leo chuckles.

"Well that's going to have to change if you want to live." I turn my head in Leo's direction.

"The hell you mean?" I raise an eyebrow.

Who wants to kill my black ass? I didn't do anything.

"We won't always be able to protect you all the time, so Milo & I will be training you. You will learn how to defend yourself like us."

"Do I have to kill people?" I ask, hoping that I don't have to.

"Not unless you have to. It's either your life or theirs." Milo shrugs.

"Meet us outside in 30 minutes." I nod & Milo stands, walking off. I finish my food & wash my dishes along with everyone else's.

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