Chapter 28

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I walk through the crowd trying to find the bathroom. From afar I see the bathroom sign & quicken my pace. I walk into the bathroom & as I'm about to open the bathroom stall, someone comes from behind me. They put a rag over my mouth & I elbow the person in the rib. I quickly turn around & round house kick the man in the face, knocking him out.

I look around & stare at the man in confusion. I quickly rush out of the bathroom door & I come face to face with a muscular chest.

"A feisty one. I will enjoy my time with you." The man chuckles & I feel something stab my side. I stare at his face & he has a sadistic smile plastered on his face. I begin to feel drowsy & fall to ground, darkness over taking my vision.



"You had 1 fucking job!" Leo yells & shoots the guard in the head.

It's been hours since Roman had kidnapped Vanessa & Leo is going insane. Sage is currently looking through traffic cams, checking for any sign of Roman & his people. Milo is trying his best to keep calm & calm Leo down.

"What the fuck happened to mi hija?!" My mother storms into the basement & back hand slaps my uncle & I. I rub my cheek & chuckle.

"The fuck did I do?" My uncle holds the side of his face with wide eyes.

"Breathe." She glares at him & he rolls his eyes.

"Sage find that motherfucker. I'm going to kill that son of a Bitch!" She yells & Sage nods, gulping.

"Apollo, we have to talk." Milo speaks & I nod. Leo sits down on the chair & rubs his face in frustration. I can see the pure worry & sadness in his eyes.

Milo walks out of the basement & I follow behind him. We shut the door & I lean against the wall, sighing.

"Primo, you know Roman doesn't spare anyone's life." He sighs & I shake my head, not wanting him to finish.

"Don't." I shut my eyes, praying that my babygirl is alive.

"Primo." He speaks & I walk away, shaking my head.


"No! She isn't dead, I can feel it. Milo, that's my baby girl. She's my heart in human form, I can NOT lose her. She's the first person I've ever loved. Don't you dare tell me she's dead because if she is, I'll be right behind her." I say, my heart feels heavy.

"I wouldn't be able to handle the pain of losing her." I whisper & sigh.

"I know..." he nods. He stares at me with sad eyes & walks away.

I rub my face & take a deep breath trying to relieve the heavy feeling. I step outside & sit on the steps, looking up in the sky. Leo sits next to me & sighs.

"She's alive man. I know it." He says, I can hear the hope in his voice.

"I know she is." I say.

"That's my sister, I can't lose the only person that makes me feel alive. She makes this family happy. She makes you happy." I stare at him & nod. I notice tears well up in his eyes.

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