Chapter 15

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Apollo- ( a week later)

Today is my Princessa's 21st birthday. She made it very clear that she didn't want to celebrate & I understood why. This day marks a year that her life went down the hill & changed forever. All though she doesn't want to celebrate, I have a surprise for her.

Leo has been keeping her entertained the whole day, giving me the opportunity to leave & pick up her gift. I park my car & lean against my car, staring at my watch. They'll be out any minute.

I see Elliot & Sage from afar, walking out of the airport. I wave & Elliot smiles.

"HEY!!" Elliot waves, happily & I chuckle. He jogs over to me & I shake his hand.

"You're definitely the better brother, & the finest one too, damn." He flirts & I shake
my head, amused.

"Come on man." I laugh & pat his back. Sage walks up to me & I pull him into a bro hug.

"How you been bro?" He asks, a big smile plastered on his face.

"Happy." I say, truthfully. Vanessa makes me happy.

"That's good to know." I nod. I open the trunk & put their suitcases in. They will be staying in Spain for 2 weeks. I flew them out on my jet, knowing that Elliot will make my baby's day joyful.

I got something for her but that's for just for her & I.


I park my car in the drive way & we all step out of my car. We walk up the steps & knock on the door. Milo opens the door & we quickly step inside. I point to the kitchen & tell them to hide in the corner where she won't see them.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"Leo is bringing her now." He nods.

"Go go." I whisper & they nod, quickly making their way into the kitchen & hide. Leo walks towards us with Vanessa thrown over his shoulder. I chuckle & shake my head. These two give me a headache.

"Here's megamind." Leo chuckles & Vanessa slaps his head. He puts her down & she walks over to me, hugging me. I smile & wrap my arms around her, kissing her head.

"I have a surprise for you baby girl."

"Apollo-" I cut her off.

"Shh. Just shut your eyes." I say & she nods. She shuts her eyes & I grab her hand, leading her to the kitchen. Leo had bought her ice cream & Milo got her candy. That's all she asked for.

I motion them to come out & they stand in front of her.

"Open your eyes beautiful." I smile as I watch her eyes widen. She gasps & she bolts towards Elliot. She jumps on him & he catches her, spinning her around.

"Happy birthday girl. I missed my favorite person." He smiles brightly & she hugs him tightly.

"OH MY GOD! You guys are here." Elliot puts her down & she runs over to Sage, pulling him into a tight hug. I smile at her happiness.

"Thanks to Apollo." Sage points to me & I shake my head. She turns around & smiles. My heart warms at her beautiful & bright smile. She jumps on me & I catch her, holding her up by her ass. She showers my face in kisses & I smile.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She says, happily & I kiss her. Our kiss filled with deep passion.

"Excuse you, there's people here." Leo clears his throat.

"Hush!" She flips him off & he sticks out his tongue.

"Thank you Apollo." She smiles & I nod, pecking her lips once more before putting her down.

"Girl is there something you want to tell me?" Elliot points at us with a smirk plastered on his face.

"He's mine." She shrugs & I hug her from behind, kissing her cheek & nod.

"FINALLY, in the name of Jesus. My ear was about to fall off. You talked about him a-" she cuts him off by throwing her crocs at his head. I chuckle.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about." She laughs nervously & she glares at him. He rolls his eyes.

"Can we eat the cake? It's about to melt." Leo sighs & we all glare at him. Vanessa's eyes widen, excitement fill her eyes.

"LEO!" Milo & I yell at him.

"Sorry I forgot, Surprise megamind." He rubs the back of his neck & shrugs.

"Grab the cake." I shake my head & sigh.

"We can't tell you shit." Milo pushes him & I laugh, nodding in agreement. Vanessa walks around the kitchen island & smiles. She opens the cake box & her name is smudged. I'm never letting Leo do shit like this anymore. He had ONE job.

"Are we going to sing happy birthday?" Leo asks & she shakes her head.

"No, that's really awkward. I don't know what to do or say when people are singing happy birthday to me." She laughs.

"Fine with me." Leo shrugs & grabs the plates from the cabinet. I hand Vanessa the cake cutter. She cuts the cake, handing the first piece to herself.

"Y'all can cut your own pieces, I want to eat, sorry." I chuckle. She sits on one of the kitchen stools & I lean against the counter, staring at her eat. I wipe the frosting off the corner of her lip.

"Thank you for this." She smiles, my heart warms.

"Anything for you mi princessa." I smile. She stands up & holds up her spoon. I open my mouth, allowing her to feed me.

"Awe how cute, now have babies." Elliot says & Vanessa snorts.

"Not yet." I wink & he laughs. I wrap my arms around her & lean down, kissing her forehead then her cheeks. I place small kisses on her neck.

"I have another thing for you but that's for later." I whisper in her ear, grazing her earlobe with my teeth. Her breathing picks up & I smile to myself.

"I wonder what it is." The corner of her lips lift, forming into a smirk. I squeeze her ass & wink at her, walking away with a smile on my face.


How y'all like it?🧍🏾‍♀️

Alexei take notes🙄. Oh right I forgot, YOU CAN'T LMAO😭. Yo ass is burning in hell🖕🏽

Apollo, I LOVE YOU😩🤰🏾

Y'all missed Elliot?🧍🏾‍♀️

How was y'all day?❤️

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