Chapter 27

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A big smile is plastered on my face as I look out the window. Apollo & I are on our way to the fair & I'm so excited. I haven't been to the fair in years. I love roller coasters & the amazing junk food at the fair. My mouth waters just by thinking of it.

Apollo's hand rests on my inner thigh as he drives with his other hand. He sneaks quick glances my way with a smile before focusing back on the road.

My eyes light up as we drive into the fair's parking area. I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt & open the car door, stepping out of it.

"Princessa! Let me park the car first." He chuckles & I apologize. I shut the door & stand near the entrance. He parks the car, a few parking spots from the entrance. He steps out of the car & shuts the door behind him, locking the car doors with the keys.

He holds his hand out & I grab it, interlocking our fingers. I basically drag him towards the entrance. We walk over to the security guards & show them our tickets. They scan it & nod, handing us a yellow wrist band.

I grab Apollo's hand & drag him to one of the first rides I see. He chuckles.

"Slow down Princessa, we have all day." He laughs & I nod, the big smile still on my face.

I get in the 'round up' ride line & smile. Apollo stares at me with a risen eyebrow & shakes his head. He stares up at the ride then at me.

"You want to go on this?" He asks & I nod, shrugging.

"Yes & you're coming." I smile & he chuckles, nodding. I hear people screaming & look up, smiling. The ride spins in circles & moves up & down, rapidly. Excitement is all I feel at this moment.

The ride finally stops & people get off,  some people hold their stomachs. It's not that bad. It's finally our turn & I grab Apollo's hand, dragging him inside the ride.

Everyone gets on the ride & we buckle our seatbelts. The man checks everyone's seatbelts making sure it's secured. He gives us a thumbs up & I smile, excited. He quickly steps out & shuts the door. I hold onto the metal bars beside me & I stare at Apollo with a excited smile. The ride starts & I grip onto the bars. We begin to move in a circle slowly.

"LOOK!" I point to the Ferris wheel from afar. I'm saving that for last.

"I see princessa." He smiles, leaning in to kiss my forehead through the bars.

"Te amo."



We have been at the fair for hours & I'm tired. This girl has been on every ride that she has laid eyes on. We have also gotten food. We had eaten fried Oreos, pop corn, pizza, & we drank slushees. She's having a good time, that's all that matters.

"Apollo! Look, the Ferris wheel." She points, a bright smile on her face & I nod, my heart warming at her.

"Let's go." I say, grabbing her hand & she nods. We stand in the long line & she lays her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her & kiss her forehead.

"I'll be right back, I need to use the bathroom." She says & as I'm about to go with her she stops me.

"No, stay in line. We'll lose our spot." She laughs & I give her an uneasy look. I hesitate but nod, standing back in line.

"One of the guards will watch you from afar." I say & she nods. She pecks my lips & I smile, slapping her ass.

"Te amo." I kiss her forehead.

"I love you." She smiles & walks away. I watch as she disappears into the crowd & sigh.

I pull out my phone & scroll through our pictures, a smile creeping onto my face. The first picture we ever took, was when we were in the plane on our way to Greece.

My favorite picture of us is when I was laying on her chest with her breast in my mouth & she was kissing my forehead. I've never been the type to like physical affection but from her, I crave it. I crave her touch, her smell, her smile. I crave everything about her.

My thoughts are interrupted by a random woman speaking to me.

"Hello." She speaks & I don't respond.

"Are you here alone?" She smiles & I look away, still not responding.

"Would you like me to keep you company?" I sigh & stare at her.

"Look lady, stop speaking to me or I'll rip your fucking tongue out & make you swallow it. I have a fucking wife, leave." I say, blankly & the woman stares at me with wide eyes.

"Rude." She scoffs & walks away.

I look at my phone, checking the time & I begin to feel anxious. What's taking her so long? It's been almost 10 minutes. I send her a text & wait patiently for her to text back. I raise an eyebrow when she leaves me on 'read'. I begin to worry.

I call one of the guards, that is responsible over her & he answers, he's out of breath.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"S-Sir she d-disappeared..." he whispers & my heart sinks.

"The fuck you mean disappeared?!" I yell into my phone, not caring about the people staring.

"I don't k-know sir." I hang up & rub my face in frustration. I step out of the line & walk through the crowd. I look around, looking for her. I walk towards the bathroom area & she's nowhere to be found.

I dial her number & call her phone. On the 3rd ring, she picks up.

"Princessa, where are you?" I ask, worried.

"With me." I hear Roman's voice & I feel my soul leave my body.

No no no.

"Where is she?"

"Asleep. She's a fighter. She knocked out one of my men, I had to drug her myself. You got yourself a pretty one too. I know I will have a good time torturing her." He laughs & my blood begins to boil.

"I'll send you her head as a gift." I can sense his smirk from the other end of the phone.

"I'm going to fucking kill you." I say & he hangs up.

I dial my uncle's number & on the second ring he picks up.


"He took her." I say, I feel my heart slowly break. My princessa.

"The fuck! WHO!?" He asks, confusion & concern laced in his voice.



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