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im a fucking mess.

it's been eight hours since billie and I parted ways and I haven't been able to keep her our of my head.

she called me sexy as fuck.


what the fuck?

she didn't say anything else because as soon as she got off her phone rang and she told me she had to leave.

I think I thanked her but I don't really remember.

I was so flustered.

I walked half a mile the opposite direction and had to walk all the way back, through the busy crows to try and find my bike close to where I'd parked up frankie.

"do you wanna go out for some dinner?" harry asks me as soon as I walk through the door.

he's over so much recently.

I look over to my grandma who's reading a newspaper.


I don't really know what's going on with them recently but harry calls her 'darling' and my grandma calls him 'baby'.

and everything, they always shyly smile at one another like they know something I don't.

I mean I don't judge but harry is young enough to be my her grandson, there's no way that they're dating.


when we get to olive garden, which is my grandmas choice, and I feel like im third wheeling on a date.

im just sat here eating my breadsticks and minding my own business.

simply thinking about billie is making my stomach churn.

and im sat here picking at my food over a stupid fucking girl.

what is happening to me?

all I can think about is how cute she was and looked, not to mention the feeling of her leg pressed against mine.

god help me.

was she only teasing me? asking all of those questions and basically taking me on a date.

panic washes over me and I drop my fork.

no, no, no.

I cannot like billie.




"what's up with you?"

I pick up my fork, sticking it in the pasta. "ive had a weird day, that's all"

I push billie out of my head and eat my pasta, concentrating on what billie has to say.

"she was on a date today" my grandma tells harry and I groan.

"grandma no I wasn't"

harry smirks and drops his fork. "so tell me about him, how did it go?"

"first of all, it was a girl and secondly apparently I don't have a very good gaydar because gabrielle has a boyfriend"

harry pulls a face "didn't she tell you?"

"it wasn't her fault" I shrug with a blush "I made some wrong assumptions"

"im sorry sweetheart, this city is full of girls, im sure you'll find someone"

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